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11-27-2009, 12:54 AM
Why do people feel that they need to write wierd stuff on facebbok? I just looked at it and a bunch of stuff really struck me as not something I would ever write.

(Girl) had an awesome time in a.c.! quite a toss up between gambling and masterbating..both can give u such a rush...just makes u wanna keep goin!

(Girl) likes girls

(Girl) Turkey down, gettin ready for some cum

(Guy) I'm gonna fuck 2 girls tonight
(Mom) Call me
(Guy) Tommorrow I'm busy tonight

11-27-2009, 02:42 AM
why in the hell do people add their parents on facebook anyway.

11-27-2009, 02:47 AM
why in the hell do people add their parents on facebook anyway.

so that thay know when dinner is i guess

11-27-2009, 07:00 AM
I'd have no problem adding my mother to facebook if she had an account. I'm an adult, I do as I please and she has no say in the matter. I also hide nothing from her, so she knows exactly how I am.

The only people I know who would have an issue with it, are the adults who are still scared of their parents and actively lie to them to make themselves look better.

11-27-2009, 07:32 AM
I'd have no problem adding my mother to facebook if she had an account. I'm an adult, I do as I please and she has no say in the matter. I also hide nothing from her, so she knows exactly how I am.

The only people I know who would have an issue with it, are the adults who are still scared of their parents and actively lie to them to make themselves look better.


If you are under 18, or in College and your parents are footing the bill, then it might be an issue, but if you are an adult on your own, your parents job is done. They can only be a specator to your life.

11-27-2009, 07:50 AM

If you are under 18, or in College and your parents are footing the bill, then it might be an issue, but if you are an adult on your own, your parents job is done. They can only be a specator to your life.

I'm in college, which I am paying for, but I still like to keep my parents happy. I tell them most everything, but there are some things I just don't bring up.

11-27-2009, 09:37 AM
My ex has alienated quite a few people with his Facebook postings. I blocked him months ago so I can't see what he puts on there and don't care to know. I've had several people from scouts and from church ask me what is he thinking with the stuff he puts up... If he could think, he wouldn't be my ex.. :lol:

11-27-2009, 09:52 AM
But you still fucked up and married him in the first place? I guess he completely changed as soon as you left the church.

11-27-2009, 10:16 AM
I'd have no problem adding my mother to facebook if she had an account. I'm an adult, I do as I please and she has no say in the matter. I also hide nothing from her, so she knows exactly how I am.

The only people I know who would have an issue with it, are the adults who are still scared of their parents and actively lie to them to make themselves look better.

I feel the same way. I have my mother and father on my Facebook. I have no problem adding any aunts or uncles that go on there. Now that I think about it I do have at least one aunt of my wife's on there.

My wife doesn't want me to add her father who joined Facebook a couple of months ago. I think its because of some of the picture I post.


11-27-2009, 10:25 AM
teehee, I know who the "likes girls" one is :)

As far as adding your parents, I have various family members on my FB. Privacy settings and groups FTMFW. my status updates aren't the issue, the privacy is around picutes that others post of me. I'm just not convinced that my family members need to know everything that goes on in my life.

11-27-2009, 10:33 AM
teehee, I know who the "likes girls" one is :)

As far as adding your parents, I have various family members on my FB. Privacy settings and groups FTMFW. my status updates aren't the issue, the privacy is around picutes that others post of me. I'm just not convinced that my family members need to know everything that goes on in my life.

I highly doubt that, the girl I'm talking about pretty much has nothing to do with this board, in fact I would doubt if she has ever sat on or in anything that has a motor in it other than a subway

Edit: Ok I see a second one from someone associated with this board.

11-27-2009, 10:59 AM
Some people just say shit to get people to ask questions. Some just like to tell their whole life story. Some just don't give a fuck.


11-27-2009, 11:29 AM
I have my parents as friends, as well as many other family members. Espically now it is a good way for me to keep in touch with family back home.

If I don't want my parents to know about it, I generally don't want the rest of the world to know about it either.

Captain Morgan
11-27-2009, 11:57 AM
I have my parents as friends, as well as many other family members. Espically now it is a good way for me to keep in touch with family back home.

If I don't want my parents to know about it, I generally don't want the rest of the world to know about it either.

Ditto. If I don't want my parents seeing the picture or hearing the story, it's not going on facebook. If something gets posted on my wall that I don't want the world (or my parents to see) I delete it, then send an e-mail to the person who posted it and ask them not to post stuff like that again.

11-27-2009, 12:25 PM
teehee, I know who the "likes girls" one is :)

I do too, and I support her in that descision.:rockwoot:

11-27-2009, 04:49 PM

If you are under 18, or in College and your parents are footing the bill, then it might be an issue, but if you are an adult on your own, your parents job is done. They can only be a specator to your life.

OR...you could respect them...at least to their face

My mother knows I drink.....but because my father was an alcoholic I don't ever drink in front of her, or talk about it. It's not because I'm scared of her or actively lie to her to make myself look better....it's out of RESPECT for her.

Same could be said about FB activity

11-27-2009, 04:57 PM
I don't mind the parents thing but sucks when you comment to someone like "Lick my fucking hairy balls dickwipe" and they get pissy because their parents see it.

I write random fucked up shit every now and then. Why? To entertain myself.

11-27-2009, 05:08 PM
My problem with facebook isnt family or friends wanting to see what you put on there. Its everyone else that I havent spoken to in years, and suddenly want to be 'facebook friends'.. Really, if I haven't spoken to you in ten years, it obviously wasnt bothering me that much to begin with. And im just not that fond of sharing my personal life with people I dont really actually talk to irl.

11-27-2009, 07:34 PM
My problem with facebook isnt family or friends wanting to see what you put on there. Its everyone else that I havent spoken to in years, and suddenly want to be 'facebook friends'.. Really, if I haven't spoken to you in ten years, it obviously wasnt bothering me that much to begin with. And im just not that fond of sharing my personal life with people I dont really actually talk to irl.

Im the opposite. I use it more to stay in touch with people I dont see on a regular basis anymore.

11-28-2009, 04:36 PM
OR...you could respect them...at least to their face

My mother knows I drink.....but because my father was an alcoholic I don't ever drink in front of her, or talk about it. It's not because I'm scared of her or actively lie to her to make myself look better....it's out of RESPECT for her.

Same could be said about FB activity

Or your parents can accept you for who you are.
I don't post ridiculous stuff of facebook, but I don't do it to keep parents happy. I try to keep it clean because kids can access it too.

11-29-2009, 10:38 AM
My mom doesn't even have internet, but she saw my FB page when she was here. My dad is on (22 years sober, BTW) and yes, I still have my drunken NYE pics up...LOL Rob's entire family (even 78 yr old grandmother) are all on FB and even the grandkids in college are very free with their posts. One of the aunts said something about the daughter's language once and the other aunts came to the rescue, since the daughter is an adult. There's an understanding with everyone that we older people don't interfere in the younger ones' goings on in public...we send an email if we feel the need. His fam is very cool and I actually enjoy having them on my friends list. I did have to create a separate profile for my ex-husband's family, since I don't want him seeing every aspect of my life without him and the ex is phoneless, jobless and moved to his brother's in IN and only communicates by internet now...just too wierd. The kids have a FB page they are only allowed on when I am nearby so they can keep in touch with their dad and he can see recent pics and news. As long as people don't get too serious, FB can be a good thing. When your value as a person becomes dependent on who deleted you as a friend, it's a problem. That's one reason I dumped Myspace...too much drama.

I don't see too much wierd stuff on FB...well, if you don't count the ex's sister renaming herself Ray...:lol: THAT was a bit of a shocker...

11-29-2009, 11:17 AM
This is the shit I like seeing on FB, the cool shit folks do


(best friend and his son)

11-29-2009, 11:18 AM
I have a strict no family policy on facebook. If you're genetically related to me - you're out...too much drama from them. I'm not interested. If they want to know what's going on with me, they can call me or email me. Otherwise, it's none of their business.

Backstory: because of one facebook status I posted as a joke, none of my family came to my wedding. One uncle even mailed me a letter saying he wouldn't be coming because I unfriended him on facebook. My status said "Friends are god's apology for family". It pissed them off THAT much.

11-29-2009, 07:04 PM
I don't care what people post as their FB status, except when they chronicle every little fucking mundane detail of their day - it drives me nuts.

11-29-2009, 07:16 PM
I don't care what people post as their FB status, except when they chronicle every little fucking mundane detail of their day - it drives me nuts.

The only ones that bug me are the ones that I know are dealing with some tough issues right now. They will post something really bad every now and then and give you no info at all in the post. Then if people start asking it takes hours for them to tell people whats up.


11-29-2009, 07:52 PM
This one guy does some of the craziest posts, and he does it so that his family, also on facebook, sees it.

(GUY) who are all these people with thier degrees, these doctors with thier phds in psycho analysis? id like the best of the best sit down with me so i can make them feel like an idiot when while they spent years reading books on material by others, i just sat and watched and put two and two together. hahahhahahhahahahhaahah...

(GUY) look everyone the monkey is putting on a show for you all, dont you like it? dont it make you just want to laugh, everyone get your peanuts

(GUY) about to blow a load,for the first time ever, i will watch empire and jedi as high as i get..this will be marked down as a great day in historty, i can finally call myself an official dark jedi...yaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

I just looked for the other bad ones where he talks shit about his family but it looks like they were deleted.

Anyway if i want to embarress myself in front of my family, I will do it in person.