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View Full Version : 15 signs you'll cheat on your spouse

07-14-2010, 07:06 AM
1. If you're a man, you're about 7 percent more likely to be unfaithful to your partner than a woman is.

2. If you live in a large city, you're 39 percent more likely to have an affair than those who live in small towns and rural areas.

3. If you earn $75,000 or more per year, you're over 150 percent more likely to have an affair than those who earn $30,000 per year or less.

4. 4. If your husband spends 10 percent or less of his time with you, then there's at least a 10 percent chance you'll cheat on him.

5. If you think about sex every day, you're 22 percent more likely to have an affair than those who think about sex just a few times a week.

6. If you and your spouse lived together before getting married, there's a 39 percent chance that at least one of you will cheat on the other.

7. If your identical twin has had an affair, you're 200 percent more likely to have an affair yourself than if your twin had not.

8. If you're African-American, you're a little more than twice as likely than men of other ethnic backgrounds to have an affair.

9. If you've never attended religious services, you're 250 percent more likely to have extramarital sex than those who attend religious services more than once a week.

10. 10. If you have an advanced college degree, you're 175 percent more likely to have extramarital sex than those who did not finish high school.

11. If you're a woman whose husband has a college degree, you're 3 percent less likely to have an affair than women whose husbands do not have college degrees.

12. If you were married at age 16 or younger, you're almost 400 percent more likely to engage in extramarital sex than those who were married for the first time at 23.

13. If you're an unhappy man, you're 13 percent more likely to have an affair than happy men are.

14. If you have made use of online porn, you are 300 percent more likely to have an affair than someone who has never looked at online porn.

15. If you enjoy spending time with your partner's relatives, you're 24 percent less likely to engage in extramarital sex than those who dislike spending time with their in-laws.


Particle Man
07-14-2010, 08:19 AM
Sure. I've never figured it's as simple as being able to define it. Data can say one thing but reality can be far different. :shrug:

07-14-2010, 09:10 AM
Basically... if you're a backwoods conservative prude, your 1000% less likely to have an affair. Ah, duh.

07-14-2010, 09:17 AM
:lol: Geez...sounds like most of us must be whoredawgs.

07-14-2010, 09:39 AM
I heard that this was a wife swapping thread.

07-14-2010, 09:43 AM
So if you are a wealthy black man with a twin that watches porn-you'll bang anything.

07-14-2010, 09:44 AM

07-14-2010, 09:45 AM
So if you are a wealthy black man with a twin that watches porn-you'll bang anything.

:lol:...according to statistics...yep !!