View Full Version : 75% tax coming to a country near you

08-08-2012, 06:23 AM

Indigestion for ‘les Riches’ in a Plan for Higher Taxes

"President François Hollande is vowing to impose a 75 percent tax on the portion of anyone’s income above a million euros ($1.24 million) a year. “Should I be preparing to leave the country?” the executive asked Mr. Grandil."

08-08-2012, 08:58 AM
Go figure... tax the fuck out of the people with the ability to move anywhere in the world at a moment's notice... and they want to leave.

08-08-2012, 03:53 PM
FDR wanted to tax the rich at 100% back in the good old days. That didn't fly with congress becuase they figured the 80%+ rate they had was enough.

And I'm suprised France even functions. Their programs are such BS that I don't see why any company would stay there and it's not like France has any major natural resource to exploit to sustain themselves like a middle eastern country could.