View Full Version : Apparently they grow them dumb in Kalamazoo

08-10-2012, 01:22 PM
Apparently being rude, in public, should justify carrying a handgun in Canada. Even if we had the right to carry, does this guy (cop) think that we would extend that right to foreign nationals, on our soil?

Dumbass. Dumbass in a tinfoil hat.

Nose Hill Park confrontation makes visitors feel unsafe (http://www.calgaryherald.com/opinion/letters/Nose+Hill+Park+confrontation+makes+visitors+feel+u nsafe/7050028/story.html)

I recently visited Calgary from Michigan. As a police officer for 20 years, it feels strange not to carry my off-duty hand-gun. Many would say I have no need to carry one in Canada.

Yet the police cannot protect everyone all the time. A man should be al-lowed to protect himself if the need arises. The need arose in a theatre in Aurora, Colo., as well as a college campus in Canada.

Recently, while out for a walk in Nose Hill Park, in broad daylight on a paved trail, two young men approached my wife and me. The men stepped in front of us, then said in a very aggressive tone: "Been to the Stampede yet?"

Herald columnist Naomi Lakritz: Officer's comments reflect cultural divide between Canada, U.S.

We ignored them. The two moved closer, repeating: "Hey, you been to the Stampede yet?"

I quickly moved between these two and my wife, replying, "Gentle-men, I have no need to talk with you, goodbye." They looked bewildered, and we then walked past them.

I speculate they did not have good intentions when they approached in such an aggressive, disrespectful and menacing manner. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ they did not pull a weapon of some sort, but rather concluded it was in their best interest to leave us alone.

Would we not expect a uniformed officer to pull his or her weapon to intercede in a life-or-death encounter to protect self, or another? Why then should the expectation be lower for a citizen of Canada or a visitor? Wait, I know - it's because in Canada, only the criminals and the police carry handguns.

Walt Wawra, Kalamazoo, Mich.

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/Nose+Hill+Park+confrontation+makes+visitors+feel+u nsafe/7050028/story.html#ixzz23AHbEyug

08-10-2012, 03:21 PM
yes, your country sucks, we want our guns. Tell your soccer bitches to stop being sore losers too. :lol:

08-10-2012, 03:53 PM
This article sucks.

Did the motherfucker go to the stampede or not?

Thanks for leaving me hanging, Calgary Herald.



08-10-2012, 04:45 PM
This article sucks.

Did the motherfucker go to the stampede or not?

Thanks for leaving me hanging, Calgary Herald.




08-10-2012, 05:24 PM
This article sucks.

Did the motherfucker go to the stampede or not?

Thanks for leaving me hanging, Calgary Herald.



Blame Kalamazoo idiot cop. It was a letter to the editor.

08-10-2012, 05:55 PM
Blame Kalamazoo idiot cop. It was a letter to the editor.

No, it was an article about a letter to the editor.

OK, technically it was a letter with a stock photo of young, happy go lucky Canadians with heath plans.

What are you hiding? Why are innocent, Lord Jesus Christ loving American heroes, being questioned repeatedly on their stampede status, by hooligans in your park-like setting death traps?

You fucking Canadian monsters.

Was Rosebud a sled?
Was Bruce Willis really dead the whole time?
Did this loving father of probably some number of children, go to the stampede, or did he not?


08-10-2012, 05:59 PM
No, it was an article about a letter to the editor.

OK, technically it was a letter with a stock photo of young, happy go lucky Canadians with heath plans.

What are you hiding? Why are innocent, Lord Jesus Christ loving American heroes, being questioned repeatedly on their stampede status, by hooligans in your park-like setting death traps?

You fucking Canadian monsters.

Was Rosebud a sled?
Was Bruce Willis really dead the whole time?
Did this loving father of probably some number of children, go to the stampede, or did he not?


OK, I must confess our national shame. You know those chuck wagon teams that frequently crash and are injured at the Stampede? Yanks, in horse suits. We press gang them into the races and then run them until they drop, then clean out their hotel rooms. Welcome to the Hotel Calgary.

And Bruce Willis has been dead for years. He's a hologram.

08-10-2012, 06:17 PM
"Somebody asked if I went to the stampede, sure wish I was carrying a weapon.."

Stay in Michigan, Walt. For the good of everybody in my country, please do not come back.

08-10-2012, 06:18 PM
OK, I must confess our national shame. You know those chuck wagon teams that frequently crash and are injured at the Stampede? Yanks, in horse suits. We press gang them into the races and then run them until they drop, then clean out their hotel rooms. Welcome to the Hotel Calgary.

And Bruce Willis has been dead for years. He's a hologram.

I knew it!

Those horses always looked way to patriotic to be Canadian.

OK, fuck it. Since you people are so busy doing whatever the fuck it is you do up there, I'll try to get in touch with officer jumpy, and get to the bottom of this.


08-10-2012, 06:22 PM
Had to look up Kalamazoo. First off it should be stated the guy is from Michigan so that he isn't affiliated with the United States. Second, any place named Kalamazoo should be nuked.

08-10-2012, 06:36 PM
Had to look up Kalamazoo. First off it should be stated the guy is from Michigan so that he isn't affiliated with the United States. Second, any place named Kalamazoo should be nuked.

No fucking way.

We can't nuke Michigan. It's trees are height perfect.


08-10-2012, 06:38 PM
Had to look up Kalamazoo. First off it should be stated the guy is from Michigan so that he isn't affiliated with the United States. Second, any place named Kalamazoo should be nuked.

I have been to Kalamazoo. I agree with your statement.

Did he mean to thank baby Jesus? Or, old Jesus? Because, baby Jesus would go to the stampede.

08-10-2012, 08:04 PM
No fucking way.

We can't nuke Michigan. It's trees are height perfect.


But their cops think that they need the option to blow you away, if they perceive you to be impolite. Maybe give their cops the nukes and let them take care of it themselves?

Particle Man
08-10-2012, 09:20 PM
This article sucks.

Did the motherfucker go to the stampede or not?

Thanks for leaving me hanging, Calgary Herald.



No, it was an article about a letter to the editor.

OK, technically it was a letter with a stock photo of young, happy go lucky Canadians with heath plans.

What are you hiding? Why are innocent, Lord Jesus Christ loving American heroes, being questioned repeatedly on their stampede status, by hooligans in your park-like setting death traps?

You fucking Canadian monsters.

Was Rosebud a sled?
Was Bruce Willis really dead the whole time?
Did this loving father of probably some number of children, go to the stampede, or did he not?


I knew it!

Those horses always looked way to patriotic to be Canadian.

OK, fuck it. Since you people are so busy doing whatever the fuck it is you do up there, I'll try to get in touch with officer jumpy, and get to the bottom of this.


No fucking way.

We can't nuke Michigan. It's trees are height perfect.



Gas Man
08-11-2012, 06:54 AM
You guys have no idea.

K-zoo (as Michigan people call it) is a neat college town.

That being said... Canadians are weird bastards. And when I was recently in Port Dover, ON, CA many of the locals stepped aside or side looked at me and my michigan boys. One fine group of ladies, immediately asked if we were all carrying guns. To which I quickly replied, "NO you and your govt can't handle it, so we had to leave em stateside!".

Piss on Canada or any other state that doesn't allow it's citizens to be armed.

08-11-2012, 08:59 AM
You guys have no idea.

K-zoo (as Michigan people call it) is a neat college town.

That being said... Canadians are weird bastards. And when I was recently in Port Dover, ON, CA many of the locals stepped aside or side looked at me and my michigan boys. One fine group of ladies, immediately asked if we were all carrying guns. To which I quickly replied, "NO you and your govt can't handle it, so we had to leave em stateside!".

Piss on Canada or any other state that doesn't allow it's citizens to be armed.

Funny but given that our rate of gun crime is a fraction of yours, and that the majority of guns used in crime are illegal ones that are smuggled in from the US, I think that we'll keep things just the way that they are ;)

08-11-2012, 12:06 PM
Funny but given that our rate of gun crime is a fraction of yours, and that the majority of guns used in crime are illegal ones that are smuggled in from the US, I think that we'll keep things just the way that they are ;)

I take a shower AND a shit without a weapong being in the room.

I'll take my peace of mind, even though I have no problem with guns, over your gun culture any day.

If the original post wasn't proof positive of why some people shoudln't be armed, then you're far beyond rational thought.

Gas Man
08-12-2012, 10:52 AM
Funny but given that our rate of gun crime is a fraction of yours, and that the majority of guns used in crime are illegal ones that are smuggled in from the US, I think that we'll keep things just the way that they are ;)
What's the relation of that vs population?

08-12-2012, 12:06 PM
What's the relation of that vs population?

That's based on per capita statistics, not total number of population. Our prison system is also far more effective where recidivism rates are considered, which makes me wonder why our current Federal Government wants to go more in your direction.

*EDIT* Some statistics for you: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/2008002/article/10518-eng.htm

Captain Morgan
08-12-2012, 01:08 PM
I take a shower AND a shit without a weapong being in the room.

I'll take my peace of mind, even though I have no problem with guns, over your gun culture any day.

If the original post wasn't proof positive of why some people shoudln't be armed, then you're far beyond rational thought.

Frankly, I'd be perfectly fine if NOBODY owned guns. But that's never going to happen. Therefore, I choose to carry in order to protect myself IF the need ever arises. I hope I NEVER have to use a gun in self defense, but until the day comes when there aren't ANY criminals with guns, I'll continue to carry.

08-12-2012, 02:45 PM
And when I was recently in Port Dover, ON, CA many of the locals stepped aside or side looked at me and my michigan boys. One fine group of ladies, immediately asked if we were all carrying guns.

Why would they do that? :scratch: Was your posse all loc'd-out, wearing camo shorts, Metal Mulisha wife-beaters, and Tapout skullcaps? :lol

Gas Man
08-13-2012, 06:28 AM
I'm with Capt on this.

Home... um... no!

Gas Man
08-13-2012, 06:32 AM
That's based on per capita statistics, not total number of population. Our prison system is also far more effective where recidivism rates are considered, which makes me wonder why our current Federal Government wants to go more in your direction.

*EDIT* Some statistics for you: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/2008002/article/10518-eng.htm
That's allot of reading for 06XX morning...

08-13-2012, 07:51 AM
That's allot of reading for 06XX morning...

Skip the text wall and jump straight down to the pretty pictures (specifically chart #4).

Captain Morgan
08-13-2012, 10:17 AM
This was posted in the other thread, but I thought it was relevant here to possibly give an idea as to that LEO's thoughts and viewpoint. He didn't write the following, but a LEO did and it will hopefully help others understand why said LEO didn't want to talk to the guys who approached him.

Street Robberies and You - The Basics (http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_1_5/1285487_Street_robberies_and_you___The_Basics.html )

08-13-2012, 10:22 AM
This was posted in the other thread, but I thought it was relevant here to possibly give an idea as to that LEO's thoughts and viewpoint. He didn't write the following, but a LEO did and it will hopefully help others understand why said LEO didn't want to talk to the guys who approached him.

Street Robberies and You - The Basics (http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_1_5/1285487_Street_robberies_and_you___The_Basics.html )

Due to the differences in culture, his post is far less relevant here. Sure, you might have someone ask for directions and then pull a knife on you, but the ones with guns tend to not want to waste bullets on shooting anyone but each other. Civilian casualties involved are generally incidental. Almost exclusively, in fact, due to the shooters' inability to hit a target.

Captain Morgan
08-13-2012, 10:50 AM
Due to the differences in culture, his post is far less relevant here. Sure, you might have someone ask for directions and then pull a knife on you, but the ones with guns tend to not want to waste bullets on shooting anyone but each other. Civilian casualties involved are generally incidental. Almost exclusively, in fact, due to the shooters' inability to hit a target.

But the Kalamazoo cop doesn't know that. He only knows what he's seen and experienced. And if his experiences are anything like that of the author of the street robbery article, then you can see why he wished he was able to reach for a gun, weather he ever had to pull it or not.

08-13-2012, 12:02 PM
But the Kalamazoo cop doesn't know that. He only knows what he's seen and experienced. And if his experiences are anything like that of the author of the street robbery article, then you can see why he wished he was able to reach for a gun, weather he ever had to pull it or not.

And he seems to feel that his impressions of his own country should automatically be applicable when he's in a different country. Funny, but I don't make that assumption when I'm down there.

Captain Morgan
08-13-2012, 05:47 PM
And he seems to feel that his impressions of his own country should automatically be applicable when he's in a different country. Funny, but I don't make that assumption when I'm down there.

A thug is still a thug and his tactics are generally the same, regardless of the country in which he lives.

08-13-2012, 05:49 PM
A thug is still a thug and his tactics are generally the same, regardless of the country in which he lives.

Then it would seem that we have maybe half as many of them, per capita. I would posit that the ready availability of guns turns bully cowards into thugs.