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09-05-2012, 09:11 AM

Fact Check: Paul Ryan Exaggerates Marathon Claim

Correction: the Runner's World calculator discussed below is used for training purposes. A pace calculator estimates that Ryan would have needed to run at about 6:50 per mile to complete a marathon in 2:59.

Our original post:

Last week, Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan claimed he'd accomplished an athletic feat: He had run a marathon in under three hours. The claim came during an interview on radio host Hugh Hewitt's program.

"H[ugh] H[ewitt]: Are you still running?

P[aul] R[yan]: Yeah, I hurt a disc in my back, so I don't run marathons anymore. I just run ten miles or yes.

HH: But you did run marathons at some point?

PR: Yeah, but I can't do it anymore, because my back is just not that great.

HH: I've just gotta ask, what's your personal best?

PR: Under three, high twos. I had a two hour and fifty-something.

HH: Holy smokes. All right, now you go down to Miami University ...

PR: I was fast when I was younger, yeah."
A "sub-3:00" marathon? The congressman is known for his athletic prowess, but that's still a blistering pace. According to a nifty calculator on the Runner's World website, in order to complete a marathon in, say, 2:59, the calculator suggests Ryan ran a mile in 5 minutes, 37 seconds on average. Then he'd have to sustain that pace for 26.2 miles.

The speed is so fast that Runner's World checked his claim — and couldn't find it. It did locate one marathon he participated in: "Grandma's Marathon" in Duluth, Minn., on June 23, 1990.

He finished in 4 hours, 1 minute and 25 seconds.

Friday, a spokesman for Ryan told the magazine the Republican vice presidential candidate has indeed run just one marathon. And, Ryan issued this statement:

"The race was more than 20 years ago, but my brother Tobin — who ran Boston last year — reminds me that he is the owner of the fastest marathon in the family and has never himself ran a sub-three. If I were to do any rounding, it would certainly be to four hours, not three. He gave me a good ribbing over this at dinner tonight."
Runners posting on the Runner's World website are outraged: Many are listing their own PR (personal records) with date and marathon name.

Incidentally, Ryan's marathon time is a little bit slower than former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the previous GOP vice presidential candidate. Her marathon personal record is 3:59:36.

Tags: Runner's World, Rep. Paul Ryan

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09-05-2012, 09:28 AM
I banged out a sub-3hr marathon too.
Having a car really helps

09-05-2012, 09:39 AM
Heh this is a non issue scandal to me, the guy misspoke our forgot our something, it was 20 years ago

09-05-2012, 09:45 AM
Well, Gary Johnson climbed Everest... and he actually did.

09-05-2012, 09:49 AM
Heh this is a non issue scandal to me, the guy misspoke our forgot our something, it was 20 years ago

Near as I can tell, Ryan misspoke or forgot his entire speech. I suppose, at least, that makes him a good match for Romney...

09-05-2012, 09:53 AM
I agree the guy is a tool, but in this case I give him a pass

09-05-2012, 10:15 AM
I agree the guy is a tool, but in this case I give him a pass

Sounds like he had a case of the brah's

09-05-2012, 12:39 PM
There all Liars and Thief's...Why is this a shock?

09-05-2012, 01:23 PM
We get what we TOLERATE.....

If we tolerate people who lie habitually like this, it's what we get....and honestly, we DESERVE it for allowing it to happen.

If he's (or politicians like him) going to lie to you about a marathon time, he'll lie to you about ANYTHING else...it's inexcusable how people are lining up to excuse this type of behavior away. This Country is going down by the bow and it's not hard to figure out why....no morals....no work ethic....all the things that USED to make us great have been abandoned in the name of a quick fix of popularity and/or wealth.

09-05-2012, 02:10 PM
Heh this is a non issue scandal to me, the guy misspoke our forgot our something, it was 20 years ago

Im not a runner but my friends who do marathons say you never forget your personal best.

09-05-2012, 02:59 PM
Im not a runner but my friends who do marathons say you never forget your personal best.

Well, it does say he only ran one, so he can be forgiven for not knowing what the time was (since he probably DNF'd or got such a shitty time that it wasn't worth remembering).

But, what he should have done is admit that he only ran one. Not say "oh yeah, I used to run marathons, but don't do it anymore" like as if he was ever seriously into them in the first place.


09-05-2012, 03:17 PM
Im not a runner but my friends who do marathons say you never forget your personal best.

Something like; what's your first bike?

09-05-2012, 03:17 PM
Regardless, he's the most athletic politician since Ted Kennedy

09-05-2012, 08:24 PM
Im not a runner but my friends who do marathons say you never forget your personal best.

I've never ran a marathon but running track and cross country through high school, I can still tell you my best 800, 1600, 5k, etc, and I graduated in 2004.

That point aside, I think its stupid that he lied about it, but far from the worst lie I've heard from a politician.

09-05-2012, 10:04 PM

Something like; what's your first bike?

Or who was your best hookup :D You dont forget that.

09-06-2012, 07:57 AM
I've never ran a marathon but running track and cross country through high school, I can still tell you my best 800, 1600, 5k, etc, and I graduated in 2004.

I graduated in 98 and I cannot remember a single time from any event running cross country, but I do know that running a sub 3 marathon is something I would definitely remember. I do remember every game I scored a goal in lacrosse.

Probably didn't think anyone would fact check that, but in this day and age of completely and utter party warfare, they are going to hammer every little point and he should of known better.

09-06-2012, 09:51 AM
Buncha Al Bundy's in here.

I can tell you within about a minute what my times were when running cross country in high school.

I can't tell you how many goals I scored in a soccer season or tackles I made in a football season though.

09-06-2012, 10:00 AM
Buncha Al Bundy's in here.

I can tell you within about a minute what my times were when running cross country in high school.

I can't tell you how many goals I scored in a soccer season or tackles I made in a football season though.

Goals is easy for me, I didn't play attack ever and usually only middie for faceoffs. Mostly defense. I can't remember how many face offs I won or any other stat I did a lot. I do remember getting checked pretty fuckin brutal junior year though. My old teammates won't let me forget it. :lol:

Seems like you would remember goals in soccer since it is so low scoring. I remember the few I scored in AYSO and I only played like one or two seasons.

09-07-2012, 12:43 AM
Once again the Repubs have put together a ticket that is just flat unelectable, no matter their qualifications.

09-08-2012, 12:13 PM
I graduated in 98 and I cannot remember a single time from any event running cross country, but I do know that running a sub 3 marathon is something I would definitely remember. I do remember every game I scored a goal in lacrosse.

Probably didn't think anyone would fact check that, but in this day and age of completely and utter party warfare, they are going to hammer every little point and he should of known better.

Yea I would think that most people would remember a sub 3 marathon, unless they're kenyan and knock those out all the time lol.

Buncha Al Bundy's in here.

I can tell you within about a minute what my times were when running cross country in high school.

I can't tell you how many goals I scored in a soccer season or tackles I made in a football season though.

Wait wait wait, someone scored 4 touchdowns in a single game?!?!

09-08-2012, 12:19 PM

This seems like he is pandering, it's a trap.

The Wisconsin congressman tells KRDO-TV in Colorado Springs that he personally doesn't approve of medical marijuana laws. But he says that states should have the right to choose whether to legalize the drug for medical purposes.

In response to a reporter's question, Ryan said: "It's up to Coloradans to decide."

09-08-2012, 01:09 PM

This seems like he is pandering, it's a trap.

I personally don't know anyone his age (40's) or younger who ISN'T fine with medical MJ, so I think he is lying about his beliefs and pandering to the ultra-conservatives

09-09-2012, 05:24 AM
I personally don't know anyone his age (40's) or younger who ISN'T fine with medical MJ, so I think he is lying about his beliefs and pandering to the ultra-conservatives

I assume that statement probably is for the middle aged parent voters and wouldn't consider the soccer moms who it really appeals to as "ultra-conservative". Just like I wouldn't call a UAW worker a uber-liberal.

09-09-2012, 10:15 AM
I assume that statement probably is for the middle aged parent voters and wouldn't consider the soccer moms who it really appeals to as "ultra-conservative". Just like I wouldn't call a UAW worker a uber-liberal.

I know many soccer moms, and while I haven't "interviewed" them about this subject, none of them are the type who have extreme political positions, or even care.

It's the conservative over-50 crowd who wants to ban pot, IMO.

But that's how it is here.......

I could see it being different in the South or the Great Plains, where in order to be considered a respectable, "going places" member of society, one must be clean-cut, clean-living, collared-shirt-wearing, non-sagging-pants wearing, and settled down with a wife and 2 kids by the age of 25.

09-09-2012, 04:30 PM
Mist soccer moms are in a wine induced coma or suffering from the hangover aftermath. I don't think weed is a big topic.

09-09-2012, 04:46 PM
I know many soccer moms, and while I haven't "interviewed" them about this subject, none of them are the type who have extreme political positions, or even care.

From my old work in the service industry I worked with a ton of housewives and middle class people in general. They don't have extreme views but if you throw an issue in their face which is happening to them now (but won't matter a month after the election) they'll generally be "no pot" becuase they are going to "Think of the children", specifically their children. Most swing voters I would assume fall into the "I don't use it (anymore) so I don't care and let's keep the status quo" category.

I'd say he's just answering that way to avoid saying "I'm fine with legal pot" and then to be bombarded with the "So you want to legalize heroin, prostitutes, and murder" people who will come out.

Romney/Ryan want to stay on the biggest thing they have going for them and that is the economy. Getting into gay marriage, womens issues, legalization, and other liberal stronghold issues is not going to benefit them in any way. So why open themselves up to that?

09-09-2012, 06:01 PM
Saw this and laughed, yes he can bench 350, LOLz


"Look at that!" Obama said upon his return to terra firma. "Man, are you a powerlifter or what?"

Well, yes. The pool report notes that Van Duzer later said he can bench press 350 pounds.

09-09-2012, 07:13 PM
I bet SS made poopy in their pants.

09-09-2012, 08:32 PM

This seems like he is pandering, it's a trap.

A pandering politician? Say it ain't so!

09-10-2012, 09:36 AM
Saw this and laughed, yes he can bench 350, LOLz

