View Full Version : PSA for any cruisers headed for NW AR! (rant)

09-08-2008, 12:01 PM
Attention all Ozark bound cruisers...Please accept this as prior notice of my intention to pass you.

While I recognize your right to enjoy Arkansas highways as you seem fit (at 15 mph under the posted limit or 20 mph under the curve advisory limit) while enjoying the scenery and the sun reflecting off the chrome of the unbaffled straight pipes in front of you, I like to ride differently.

This is not being condescending i am just pointing out obvious differences in our riding pursuits. We sport bike riders enjoy leaning with the curves at speeds slightly higher than the advisory limit and occaisionally the posted limit. This does not make us reckless adrenaline junkies bent on suicidal kamikaze passing as our bikes have a higher level of performance making such maneuvers easy and even somewhat safe.

However, if you insist on riding in tight staggered formation and do not leave room for passing you one at a time, I have to pass you all at once in groups. This will require I gain significant speed if I am to stay in the left lane and pass before the end of the straightaway. Please observe I have no compuction for passing on the double yellow when your speed is 15 mph lower than the posted limit. If this makes you uncomfortable pull to the shoulder stripe and waive me by.

You have the right to be angry about it if you wish and even react poorly using hand signals but this will not change my mind. That is all carry on!

09-08-2008, 12:47 PM
Haha. Nice rant.

09-09-2008, 09:08 AM
slightly? lol i feel bad about myself if im not at least double the suggested limit

Mr Lefty
09-09-2008, 11:53 AM
Attention all Ozark bound cruisers...Please accept this as prior notice of my intention to pass you.

While I recognize your right to enjoy Arkansas highways as you seem fit (at 15 mph under the posted limit or 20 mph under the curve advisory limit) while enjoying the scenery and the sun reflecting off the chrome of the unbaffled straight pipes in front of you, I like to ride differently.

This is not being condescending i am just pointing out obvious differences in our riding pursuits. We sport bike riders enjoy leaning with the curves at speeds slightly higher than the advisory limit and occaisionally the posted limit. This does not make us reckless adrenaline junkies bent on suicidal kamikaze passing as our bikes have a higher level of performance making such maneuvers easy and even somewhat safe.

However, if you insist on riding in tight staggered formation and do not leave room for passing you one at a time, I have to pass you all at once in groups. This will require I gain significant speed if I am to stay in the left lane and pass before the end of the straightaway. Please observe I have no compuction for passing on the double yellow when your speed is 15 mph lower than the posted limit. If this makes you uncomfortable pull to the shoulder stripe and waive me by.

You have the right to be angry about it if you wish and even react poorly using hand signals but this will not change my mind. That is all carry on!

NOOOO SHIT! that shit annoyed the hell out of me

09-09-2008, 12:27 PM
People going slow in the twisties should be castrated.

I heart twisties on my cruiser..especially when I have sportbikes trying to keep up.

09-09-2008, 09:55 PM
Normally when I see a parade in the mountains. I just stop and chill for a bit. But if I see a parade coming I wait until they get real close then bolt in front of them.

I did have a cruiser (3 of them) try and run me off the road one time and about ran me off bad. I just squeezed in front of him right before a car came around a curve. So I slowed down and started doing a kicking motion and got slower and slower and slower. Once they got real close to me and saw I wasn't some skinny 130lb French bike jockey in leathers and instead was a 225lb pool table moving pissed off Mother Fucker who was going to kick all three of their Business exec by week badass by weekend asses right there on the road. Well the lead guy had an "Oh Shit" look on his face as we creeped at 15mph. I finally sped off and stopped at a gas station and just stared them down as they went by. They didn't feel the need to stop where the other 100 motorcycles where.

Which I've never had a problem from the REAL Harley riders. Most of them who grew up riding Harleys, BMWs, and Triumphs from the 70s understand that they'd be on the same bikes if they were in their 20s. It's your POS weekend Badass' who bug me and try to play weekend vigilinte.

I remember at the Gap I pass a parade and some guy gave the "Slow Down" motion (Pressing a hand towards the ground). It hought it was maybe a cop so I rode the entire 10 miles being a good little boy. Finally I get to the observation and ask if they've seen any cops. I mention the parade and some said they did the same thing.

I was fucking pissed about jumped on my bike but I thought two things would happen. I'd get riding the gap and forget about them and be happy. Or I'd be so fucking pissed by the time I got down there I'd end up in jail for making the fucker pull a Harrison Ford off the dam.

Okay rant over.

09-10-2008, 09:15 PM
I just ask that folks know their performance "place". What I hate is a guy on a chrome barge struggling to keep me from passing him. You can tell he isn't having fun. He can't be wrestling that big bastard well beyond his comfort margin.

I don't hate you. I don't wish you ill will. I simply want by. If you hold me up, sling hand gestures, try to run me off the road, you give me power over you. If you pull over just a bit, I will blow by you in a millisecond and POOF I am out of your sight and off your planet. You can go back to doing what you enjoy and I can get back to doing what I enjoy.

09-11-2008, 09:53 PM
i will admit that i enjoy zipping up to them and being loud until i get a wave by lol

09-12-2008, 04:59 PM
I havent had many run ins with the kind that you speak of quite yet...but I know I would never wanna be passed on ym bike so I can only imagine how it feels for them...But I have no sympathy for ones who ride at or below the suggested speed limit.

09-12-2008, 08:20 PM
yikes! guess i'll aim my cruiser the other direction. :(

09-14-2008, 10:13 AM
This is funny to me on a couple of levels. First let me acknowledge that people who have confused their check book or worse their credit score with riding skill and project their limits on to me irk the fecal matter right out of me. I don't really care what they are riding but as I have noted before the vast majority here in New England seem to be astride the ubiquitous over chromed HD. I should also acknowledge the more than a few riders on these machines who have decent road manners as they have “made a hole” for me on more than one occasions and in general are fun to take a leisurely ride with.
I have been on the other side of this when riding a Busa. On a recent trip back from New York with my reflexes dulled by fatigue I found myself being crowded by a group of Cruiser riders even though I had rolled to the right I could hear the loud pipe over revving behind me . After about 3 miles of this crap I got to wide spot in the road and stopped and let them go by and while I did not give the single digit wave it did occur to me that perhaps I could better place their pipe to help inflate the airbags that had their fee on the controls