View Full Version : removing fuel tank coating

06-09-2009, 10:40 PM
Is there any way to strip a sealing coat off the inside of a fuel tank that has been sealed so it can be cleaned properly and recoated?

The reason i ask is the previous owner of my 1000R didnt clean much of the rust or dirt for that matter out of my fuel tank, and it needs to be cleaned properly, so as to prevent further deterioration of an already shitty seal job. the right side of the tank looks like theres just a BIG ole blob of that sealer in the lower corner that needs to be cleaned out.

Yes I'm obsessive about these things. shit like this bothers me, I'm obsessed with having everything 100% right.

06-12-2009, 12:44 PM
I've used two methods, both were a huge pain in the ass.

1. Methyl Ethyl Ketone, shake well, repeat, (get it on the outside of your tank, bye-bye paint).

2. For really messed up jobs, I've used rock tumbler medium, but the rust would have to be pretty bad before I went that route, because you have to spin the tank for hours to make it work. It also requires building templates to hold the tank, and a motorized roller (like a modified rock tumbler).

I used to used KREEM for re-coating, but there is some stuff called Red-Kote that works better.