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06-15-2009, 09:57 AM
Elmer Johnson’s ’88 GM Memo

How many pages can you make it through (I made it through 5 pages until I started thinking about boobies)


06-15-2009, 04:13 PM
20-year-old corporate memo... yeah, i'll get right on that :wtf:

06-15-2009, 05:35 PM
I skimmed though it real quick, GM spends too much on labor and production costs, they make almost $1k less per car in profit (in 1980 dollars) than ford, the japanese were producing better cars, they talk alot in meetings but take no action, GM management is compared to elected politicians, their managers are pussies (page 11), they want to replace the top managers with folks who are experts in their field and only give bonuses on work related performance, they want to break the company into seperate car companies without 2 different names producing the exact same car while still sharing technology and parts.

All in all GM is working its way out of the car business by incompetant management, an overpaid and too large workforce, and managers that are pussies.

I don't think I saw the word pussy in there, but I'm sure it was used while disscussing writing this memo.