View Full Version : Worst Job?

07-10-2009, 10:34 AM
What's the worst job you've ever had?

Please be sure to go into gruesome detail.

07-10-2009, 10:35 AM
Does that include me too :tremble:


07-10-2009, 10:41 AM
Does that include me too :tremble:


Ah crap....I forgot about you. :lol:

07-10-2009, 10:45 AM
Making pillows at a casket factory.

07-10-2009, 10:45 AM
Making pillows at a casket factory.

:wtf: Weird.

07-10-2009, 10:47 AM
I've never really had a horrible job, but I think the worst was working as a bail bondsman. It was easy money, but of course you have to deal with a lot of scum. Every once in a while there was someone I was actually happy to be helping, but most of the time it was shit heads that I wish would just stay in jail.

07-10-2009, 10:52 AM
:wtf: Weird.

You had a choice of silk, flannel or cotton. :D

Matched to the interior of the casket, of course. :p

07-10-2009, 10:54 AM
You had a choice of silk, flannel or cotton. :D

Matched to the interior of the casket, of course. :p


07-10-2009, 11:06 AM
i used to deliver drugs for a local pharmacy. Most of the clientele were old jewish couples who didnt tip for shit.

07-10-2009, 11:10 AM
Worst job? I worked at a grocery store as a bagger when i was in HS. I only lasted a month there before I quit. The rest of my jobs have been fun.

I worked at a pet supply manufacturer in HS - fun job, pay sucked
I was assistant manager and projectionist at a movie theater in HS- very fun job, pay sucked
I was in the US Navy after HS - job was fun, pay sucked
I sold cars after getting out of the Navy, very fun job, again pay sucked
I was an aviation electronics tech for a couple of places while in college, fun job, pay sucked
Now I am an avionics systems engineer designing aircraft navigation systems and cockpit displays, job is sort of fun, pay is decent but it could be better

07-10-2009, 11:14 AM
Worst job? I worked at a grocery store as a bagger when i was in HS. I only lasted a month there before I quit. The rest of my jobs have been fun.

I worked at a pet supply manufacturer in HS - fun job, pay sucked
I was assistant manager and projectionist at a movie theater in HS- very fun job, pay sucked
I was in the US Navy after HS - job was fun, pay sucked
I sold cars after getting out of the Navy, very fun job, again pay sucked
I was an aviation electronics tech for a couple of places while in college, fun job, pay sucked
Now I am an avionics systems engineer designing aircraft navigation systems and cockpit displays, job is sort of fun, pay is decent but it could be better
I see a common theme in there.

07-10-2009, 11:23 AM
My worst job was at a turkey processing plant. It was some boring, repetitive shit. Not gross where I worked (trimming almost fully processed breasts). But there was a job, no bs, called the semen sucker. And another one where the just killed turkeys came in hanging by the neck and a guy sitting in a rubber gown on a milk crate stuck a hose in the turkeys ass and gave it an enema to wash all the shit out. Which of course drained onto his lap. LOL

Particle Man
07-10-2009, 11:48 AM
i used to deliver drugs for a local pharmacy. Most of the clientele were old jewish couples who didnt tip for shit.

yep, been there and hated that one.

Also worked in a Wendy's for about a month... I'll never eat there again.

07-10-2009, 11:51 AM
Setting up targets at the local range.

07-10-2009, 11:53 AM
marina poop boat duty for the yachts. Quit that job a week in. I thought I was going to be a deck hand that helps boats dock and fills them with gas when they come in when I took the job, they lied.

07-10-2009, 11:54 AM
Setting up targets at the local range.

Does that suck for the fear of people shooting at you?? :lol

07-10-2009, 11:56 AM
Does that suck for the fear of people shooting at you?? :lol

A little. :panic:

I just remembered my worst job. I knew I had something worse than setting up targets.

I worked for a company that called the people in the phone book to verify the information was still correct (name, address, etc.).

I quit in 2 hours!

07-10-2009, 11:58 AM
LMAO...they pay people to do that??


07-10-2009, 12:06 PM
I worked for a company that called the people in the phone book to verify the information was still correct (name, address, etc.).

I quit in 2 hours!

My wife was stuck with a project at a previous job where she had to call their customers (primarily Hong Kong natives) to ask them what gender they were. Nobody had collected the info originally, suddenly it was important, and no one could tell from the names.

07-10-2009, 12:09 PM
I had a job once where we called woman between the ages of 25 and 35 to have them take a survey about what songs they like to listen to. All the people we called were in London and they were all way too busy to talk to us, so it was rather silly.

We did have a few fun calls....Mrs. Old was by far the best one to call. She was friggin hilarious. She once told me she didn't have a bed to sell me. :lmao:

07-10-2009, 12:11 PM
I worked as a pharmacy tech in HS. Counted pills all day and took shit from angry sick customers that had shitty insurance and thought that was my fault. Don't miss that.

07-10-2009, 01:01 PM
1 - Attic rat. Ran wires for low voltage wiring. Running wire in the summer sucks ass when it's hot outside and almost double temps in the attics. New construction wasn't so bad except when you had to walk the boards. :panic: :panic:

2 - Dancer. Dealing with drunken bullshit on a nightly basis gets old really quick!

07-10-2009, 01:06 PM
yep, been there and hated that one.

Also worked in a Wendy's for about a month... I'll never eat there again.

I just had a baconator for lunch.

It will turn my colon into a semi colon.:D

Worst job?

I have never really had bad ones, but I imagine a gynocologist would suck.
Looking at diseased cooches all day would suck.

Wouldn't it Tommy?

07-10-2009, 01:10 PM
repairing railroad track, or drilling wells, both were back breaking suck work

07-10-2009, 01:25 PM
I see a common theme in there.

yeah, if you can have fun at the job they don't pay worth shit.

I've had a bunch of bad jobs. some work places were worse than others or only had a few jobs that really sucked.

I've done quite a bit of temp service work the last few years. here's some that have been too hard to block out entirely.

I got sent to a day job to clean out a semi trailer that had been in a wreck. I get there and notice it is the one I had noticed sitting on the side of the highway for the last couple weeks. then notice it was a reefer trailer full of rotten vegetables. had been 100+ degree days in those couple weeks and that day was around 100. that job sucked ass.

another one from a pretty good employer (through the temp service). people in a fourplex were complaining about a smell coming up from under the building. my boss goes and checks it out and it was a busted sewer pipe before it goes into the ground. I got to go under the building and spread about 2 tons of lime from front to back of the building (it was a one level fourplex so there was a lot of ground to cover). that was another job that sucked ass.

same employer as the last one. cleaning out apartments of people that were evicted. there are some really nasty people out there living in very low cost apartments. there were times I wanted to burn the place down instead of cleaning them, would have been easier to rebuild.

07-10-2009, 01:32 PM
but I imagine a gynocologist would suck.
Looking at diseased cooches all day would suck.

Wouldn't it Tommy?

we had a customer at the last shop that was a gynecologist. he had some interesting stories for sure.

when younger the running joke was about being a freelance gynecologist then after looking around and thinking about what all the job entailed we changed our minds about that. LOL

07-10-2009, 01:43 PM
Gyne stuff really isn't all that bad. Perhaps Tommy gets more funky cooters than we do, but a lot of the gyne stuff we get is abnormal bleeding/miscarriages.

It's the large pts, men and women with UTI's that need catheters or old men with blood clots in their pee-holes that make ya' work. You should see the garden hoses I stick in people. :)

I'll take messy snatch over alcoholics covered in listerine induced diarrhea or GI bleeds that have been festering for days in their disgusting apartments.

Ever smell a rendering plant?

Welcome to nursing... :)

07-10-2009, 02:19 PM
Senior parking attendant in the multi-level lots at Toronto International Airport. Inhaled car exhaust all day. Inhaled jet exhaust all day. I've had a persistent cough ever since. Was in the wind, 300 feet above the ground, when it was -30 out. Most of the people I supervised were lazy 50+ year old immigrants who constantly complained about how bad Canada was, while never moving at more than a shuffle. The rest were high school students who didn't give a fuck.

We had one heated booth; an old bus stop booth with an old electric heater in it that looked like a bed pan, with a bike radiator stuck in it. One of the high school kids who was taking kung fu classes and though that he was Kwai Chang Caine beat the piss out of the heater until it was dead, so I was obliged to beat the living piss out of him for making everyone else freeze.

Then there were the drivers who would look everywhere but where they were driving, while looking for a spot. I ended up on hoods more times than I can count. Several times I had people park on my foot so that they could get close enough to me, to ask directions. Got called every name you can think of while trying to protect the handicapped parking spaces from people who obviously didn't need them.

The only good thing about the place was the hot and cold running cashiers-of-the-world smorgasbord.

07-10-2009, 02:37 PM
Growing up on a farm - so many things that sucked as a "job". Stone picking, egg collecting, etc. Hell - my twisted parents had us chase the headless chickens after they chopped their heads off [they didn't want them to end up under the porch and forgotten].


I did work at McDonalds for a few hours - that was, until my friend got burned and they didn't have anything in the first aide kit. I took her to the ER and didn't go back.

07-10-2009, 04:35 PM
Growing up on a farm - so many things that sucked as a "job". Stone picking, egg collecting, etc. Hell - my twisted parents had us chase the headless chickens after they chopped their heads off [they didn't want them to end up under the porch and forgotten].

Waaaait a minute! So chickens really do run around after you cut their heads off!?! And you cut heads off chickens!?!?!? :panic:

I would never make it on a farm. :lol:

07-10-2009, 04:56 PM
Waaaait a minute! So chickens really do run around after you cut their heads off!?! And you cut heads off chickens!?!?!? :panic:

I would never make it on a farm. :lol:

ya ever seen a chicken in the grocery store with a head on it?

07-10-2009, 04:57 PM
I worked at Taco bell for 4 hours back in 95. It was all fine and dandy until I was asked to make the guacomole sauce.

See first off it comes in 2 containers, one is green and sorta a hard mush, the other was a clear liquid that smelled like 3 week old vomit sitting on pavement in July in arizona. Anyway i had to mix the small container of liquid into the big container of mush then take the green goop that I had created from the round bucket I used for mixing and put it in the square container on the preparing table. I did manage to scoop the shit into the square container, then I told my supervisor that I needed a quick smoke break and I walked to my car and went home. I havn't eaten at taco bell since.

07-10-2009, 05:04 PM
Waaaait a minute! So chickens really do run around after you cut their heads off!?! And you cut heads off chickens!?!?!? :panic:

I would never make it on a farm. :lol:

I didn't, my mother did. She still doesn't like chicken :lol:

07-10-2009, 05:15 PM
ya ever seen a chicken in the grocery store with a head on it?


I suppose not.

Particle Man
07-10-2009, 05:18 PM
ya ever seen a chicken in the grocery store with a head on it?

they run around like freakin' crazy

07-10-2009, 05:19 PM
I didn't, my mother did. She still doesn't like chicken :lol:

I didn't know how bad the smell was till I visited an old GF's house one weekend and they were butchering chickens. my god that was the worse smell I had ever had the displeasure to smell up till that time.

'73 H1 Triple
07-10-2009, 05:41 PM
Waaaait a minute! So chickens really do run around after you cut their heads off!?! And you cut heads off chickens!?!?!? :panic:

I would never make it on a farm. :lol:

:yes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_The_Headless_Chicken

07-10-2009, 05:45 PM
:yes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_The_Headless_Chicken


Particle Man
07-10-2009, 05:47 PM
:yes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_The_Headless_Chicken





'73 H1 Triple
07-10-2009, 05:48 PM
My worst job was changing tires at the local tire store after high school.

The was 1976-77 before all season tires came out which meant when the weatherman mentioned snow, all hell broke loose :willy:

People would wait until it started snowing before before they would come in to get their snow tires put on the rims already on the car :gofurslf: Dipping wet with snow and slush falling on you so you got all cold and soaking wet :gofurslf:

Even though I was scheduled for 5pm to 9pm, I'd have to come in early immediately after school and I'd work until 11 pm some nights, then go home and do my homework.

'73 H1 Triple
07-10-2009, 05:51 PM





As you can see, chickens aren't the "sharpest tack in the box". Good thing they lay egss and taste good :dthumb:

xx CURVE xx
07-10-2009, 05:55 PM
community service :td:

07-10-2009, 06:34 PM
Chickens are very active after loosing their heads...

Video about Mike the Headless chicken

Real chicken with its head cut off....warning...kinda gross

Had me fooled...

07-10-2009, 06:46 PM
:yes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_The_Headless_Chicken

thats just disturbing!!

07-12-2009, 01:38 PM
Worst job? On-call "retrievals".

You sleep with a dark suit ready on a hanger. When the pager goes off, at 1:00a.m. or 3:30am, you jump up, call the person who took the "first call" for the name and address, put on the suit, go to the office, get the van, and go to the address.

What do you retrieve? The recently deceased. Sometimes they're in a hospital morgue, often in a retirement home, sometimes in pieces on the side of the road. Post-autopsy is the worst because while they have already been bagged, the bag includes all the fluids, and it sloshes. You do NOT want that bag to break.

You tag 'em and bag 'em. Literally. Usually it's easy, as they have been wasting away for years and weigh 85 lbs, and they didn't bother to call you until all the rigor has passed (because the rest home didn't check on them more often than every other day). Sometimes it's more difficult, like the 350 lb guy who collapsed of a heart attack between his bed and the wall, and was in full rigor in a weird position. Have to break the rigor in each limb and then lever up this huge dude onto the bed, then onto the gurney, then try and zip the bag up. All the time with the family members there.

Oh yeah, when you get them back to the funeral home there's more to do. Not much, but it did get to me... you have to put cream on their faces, hands and eyeballs to keep the fridge from drying them out and making it harder for the morticians to make them look good for the funeral.

Then you stick them in the fridge along with the others. Don't think about the standard horror movie plot when you are in the fridge with half a dozen corpses and the door swings shut!

Go back home and try to get a little more sleep before you have to go to your day job.

07-12-2009, 01:48 PM
Worst job? On-call "retrievals".

You sleep with a dark suit ready on a hanger. When the pager goes off, at 1:00a.m. or 3:30am, you jump up, call the person who took the "first call" for the name and address, put on the suit, go to the office, get the van, and go to the address.

What do you retrieve? The recently deceased. Sometimes they're in a hospital morgue, often in a retirement home, sometimes in pieces on the side of the road. Post-autopsy is the worst because while they have already been bagged, the bag includes all the fluids, and it sloshes. You do NOT want that bag to break.

You tag 'em and bag 'em. Literally. Usually it's easy, as they have been wasting away for years and weigh 85 lbs, and they didn't bother to call you until all the rigor has passed (because the rest home didn't check on them more often than every other day). Sometimes it's more difficult, like the 350 lb guy who collapsed of a heart attack between his bed and the wall, and was in full rigor in a weird position. Have to break the rigor in each limb and then lever up this huge dude onto the bed, then onto the gurney, then try and zip the bag up. All the time with the family members there.

Oh yeah, when you get them back to the funeral home there's more to do. Not much, but it did get to me... you have to put cream on their faces, hands and eyeballs to keep the fridge from drying them out and making it harder for the morticians to make them look good for the funeral.

Then you stick them in the fridge along with the others. Don't think about the standard horror movie plot when you are in the fridge with half a dozen corpses and the door swings shut!

Go back home and try to get a little more sleep before you have to go to your day job.

Hands down winner!!! :tremble:

07-13-2009, 06:40 AM
Holy fuck, that job would blow. I can honestly say I've never done anything that bad. I worked at a slaughterhouse for a few hours, it wasn't too bad but the blood smell made my stomach doweird stuff and the ball bearing gun kept jamming up. I dug ditches for the county for a while too, but that actually wasn't so bad, other than being in August. I also worked a Tace Bell like derf, it was my last civilian job. Don't ever eat anything at Taco Bell with lettuce.

07-13-2009, 08:19 AM
Worst job? On-call "retrievals".

You sleep with a dark suit ready on a hanger. When the pager goes off, at 1:00a.m. or 3:30am, you jump up, call the person who took the "first call" for the name and address, put on the suit, go to the office, get the van, and go to the address.

What do you retrieve? The recently deceased. Sometimes they're in a hospital morgue, often in a retirement home, sometimes in pieces on the side of the road. Post-autopsy is the worst because while they have already been bagged, the bag includes all the fluids, and it sloshes. You do NOT want that bag to break.

You tag 'em and bag 'em. Literally. Usually it's easy, as they have been wasting away for years and weigh 85 lbs, and they didn't bother to call you until all the rigor has passed (because the rest home didn't check on them more often than every other day). Sometimes it's more difficult, like the 350 lb guy who collapsed of a heart attack between his bed and the wall, and was in full rigor in a weird position. Have to break the rigor in each limb and then lever up this huge dude onto the bed, then onto the gurney, then try and zip the bag up. All the time with the family members there.

Oh yeah, when you get them back to the funeral home there's more to do. Not much, but it did get to me... you have to put cream on their faces, hands and eyeballs to keep the fridge from drying them out and making it harder for the morticians to make them look good for the funeral.

Then you stick them in the fridge along with the others. Don't think about the standard horror movie plot when you are in the fridge with half a dozen corpses and the door swings shut!

Go back home and try to get a little more sleep before you have to go to your day job.

Fun stuff ain't it? I think it would be worse if you had to wake up from a "dead" sleep and dress up for the event. I just have to wait until the family leaves (if there is some) and go in with some other peeps to wrap and tag the body. Sometimes it's really sad. Lots of times it's messy. Gotta keep everything "in/attached" to them if it is a corner's case (unknown cause of death). I've learned to cover certain orifices prior to turning the body - stuff leaks out. Sometimes they make funny noises... air in their lungs escaping.

One time, one lady we thought was deceased. Woke up, grabbed another nurse with her hand, and fell back to the bed. We did another EKG to confirm her death. She was dead prior to the "rising". That freaked us out a little. Whatever maker she was meeting, she didn't want to go.... I can still see her face and that was 5 years ago.

I'm always really respectful of the people I prepare for the morgue. I talk to them like they are still there.... b/c they might still be, you never know. On another floor I worked on, some of the nurses would open a window so the person's soul could escape. Superstitions.... Harmless. Makes the act a little less gruesome.

What strikes me as weird, is that I can run around for 12 hours, dealing with pain the in ass patients, lovely, decent people, dying patients... and then wrap them up if they die... And then go to break.

All in a days work.

07-13-2009, 09:07 AM
ive never really had a sucky job.

one of Z"s friend just got engaged to some dude who jack-offs pigs...........:lol, to collect their sperm.

07-13-2009, 09:54 AM
ive never really had a sucky job.

one of Z"s friend just got engaged to some dude who jack-offs pigs...........:lol, to collect their sperm.

I have a friend that used to breed bulldogs and still does bull mastiffs. some of those dogs still like him more than they really should.

07-13-2009, 10:24 AM
I was the shipping supervisor at a cold storage warehouse for a year. The loading dock in the middle of a GA summer was 40F, the warehouse was -20F and the blast freezer was -50F with a 60mph wind inside. I stayed sick with my sinuses the whole time I was there and had my first sinus surgery because of it. The worst part was walking around in bloody water from the loads of fresh chicken we brought in to blast freeze and having to be in the warehouse for any length of time, sometimes having to climb 30ft up in the racks to inventory or restack a pallet that fell or shifted. The forklift drivers had it the worst, they were in the warehouse most of the shift.

Oh, and it didn't pay enough to make you want to work there long.

07-13-2009, 11:04 AM
I had a couple of sucky jobs but they pale in comparison to a few posted here.

Cold storage warehouse which was pretty much like described above by ericr...except for the walking around in bloody waters part...everything was frozen where I was at.

Loading dock for Yellow Freight Trucking Co....unloading and loading tractor trailers for 12 hour shifts. I was considered "casual labor" and the full time guys were union which meant they could sit around on their fat azzes on the forklifts and you didn't get to use it because you weren't union and didn't have seniority so you had to make the best of it. I've hated unions ever since and that was over 20 years ago. :lol:

Colony Cany Co. a long time ago making candy which consisted of lugging 100 lb. bags of sugar up stairs all day and pouring them into vats of stuff and mixing it and then going back down to get another bag. I was in high school and only weighed 135 lbs. at the time. :lol:

I left there and joined the Marines...it was easier. :lol

07-13-2009, 12:21 PM
worst was cleaning out a barn with a shovel and wheel barrow after the manure conveyor broke.

toughest job was working a pipeline in Tenn

07-13-2009, 12:25 PM
Loading dock for Yellow Freight Trucking Co....unloading and loading tractor trailers for 12 hour shifts. I was considered "casual labor" and the full time guys were union which meant they could sit around on their fat azzes on the forklifts and you didn't get to use it because you weren't union and didn't have seniority so you had to make the best of it. I've hated unions ever since and that was over 20 years ago. :lol:


Funny I used to drive a flatbed semi. I hated going to union shops because the fat asses on the forklifts would take their own sweet time loading you. usually they would put the lift on the truck then go take break.

07-14-2009, 01:40 AM
not so bad after reading here:
shoveling cedar chips into a bailer and stacking the bales. Hard work - I was in kick ass shape though! Even with a respirator, I was blowing cedar snot for MONTHS! It was hot, it was dirty, the little tractor caught on fire more often than not, I was throwing bales 5 feet over my head (and each bale weighed 90-100 pounds!).
but the only job I would NEVER do again is making cotton candy at a local fair. I can't even type how bad that was. Stupid people, spun sugar everywhere, never again. Ever.

Amber Lamps
07-14-2009, 01:51 AM
I used to work as a mason but when I started I got stuck running the brick saw all day. I was covered in brick dust from head to toe and could build a house from the bricks I would pick out of my nose.:lol:

07-14-2009, 09:31 AM
not so bad after reading here:
shoveling cedar chips into a bailer and stacking the bales. Hard work - I was in kick ass shape though! Even with a respirator, I was blowing cedar snot for MONTHS! It was hot, it was dirty, the little tractor caught on fire more often than not, I was throwing bales 5 feet over my head (and each bale weighed 90-100 pounds!).
but the only job I would NEVER do again is making cotton candy at a local fair. I can't even type how bad that was. Stupid people, spun sugar everywhere, never again. Ever.

one of the hardest jobs I've done on my body was loading a cardboard baler 8 hours a day. I'd wake up the next morning and couldn't open my hands. I'd have to get Tina to help move them to loosen them up. the work was crappy but the employer was great. after the first week working there, they started paying me through lunch. these bales were too big to throw. ;)

07-14-2009, 09:51 AM
Funny I used to drive a flatbed semi. I hated going to union shops because the fat asses on the forklifts would take their own sweet time loading you. usually they would put the lift on the truck then go take break.

This was my impression and experience EXACTLY !! I'm sure all unions/union workers aren't the same I mean look at UPS...those guys bust azz but at Yellow Freight back in the 80's when I was there...the union guys sucked !!

07-14-2009, 09:53 AM
Someone mentioned working at a gun range here and made me think of this guy's job sucking. :lol:


07-14-2009, 09:59 AM
This was my impression and experience EXACTLY !! I'm sure all unions/union workers aren't the same I mean look at UPS...those guys bust azz but at Yellow Freight back in the 80's when I was there...the union guys sucked !!
Now a days Unions are what's wrong with this country.

Particle Man
07-14-2009, 10:10 AM
Someone mentioned working at a gun range here and made me think of this guy's job sucking. :lol:


man, THAT sucks :lol:

07-14-2009, 10:14 AM
man, THAT sucks :lol:
You ain't lying.

07-14-2009, 01:13 PM
Now a days Unions are what's wrong with this country.

what? you don't think people should be paid $30/hr for doing a job that took 15 minutes to learn and requires no education?

unions suck. I've had the "pleasure" of working for two of them. they were useless.

they wonder why their jobs get outsourced to other countries.

Someone mentioned working at a gun range here and made me think of this guy's job sucking. :lol:


ok he wins, that has to be the worst job. :tremble:

07-14-2009, 02:33 PM
what? you don't think people should be paid $30/hr for doing a job that took 15 minutes to learn and requires no education?

unions suck. I've had the "pleasure" of working for two of them. they were useless.

they wonder why their jobs get outsourced to other countries.

Blasphemer, you are going to go on the watch list. O wants everyone unionized.

07-16-2009, 10:19 PM
I washed dishes in HS... it kinda sucked cause we were always slammed and we had to bus and do the dishes... I loaded trucks briefly when I first went to college... that was fun until they couldn't keep people in my section and me and two other guys had to murder ourselves to stay caught up... then one day the other two guys didn't show up and I was alone for two days... then I didn't show up. :)

Worst job ever though... Completing my duty to the community post arrest for underage drinking at 17... I 'volunteered' at an animal shelter. It was pretty cool at first... they eased me in by making me wash dogs, teaching me how to take their blood, hell, even cleaning the cages wasn't THAT bad... Then one day I had to go down to euthanasia and load dog corpses into the incinerator... That sucked.

07-17-2009, 08:32 PM
The worst job I ever had was also the shortest. At one time I thought I could do anything if I had to, but I was wrong.
I took a job once at a rendering plant. You know, the place where all the dead animals get hauled to. I started at 7PM (they haul putrid bodies in all day, then "process" them at night) and I made it until the "Lunch break" at midnight. In case you don't know, there are companies that will come and pick up your dead cows, pigs, horses and grease. Then they deconstruct them and sell the results. So, maybe they were being nice to the noobie, but my job was to stand on the edge of a 5000 gallon vat of bloody brine with an 10ft pole with a hook on the end and fish wet steaming hog hides swirling into and around this pool of misery, up over the railing and onto a pallet. To be fair there was a steel railing around it. Now let me tell you that a wet hog hide weighs more than me and I had to use my whole body to wrestle those things out, up, over and on. This was while continuously retching and heaving from the smells. I was so close to projectile vomiting that I ran to the nearest door for air, but it was worse out there. Even knowing that it was worst, I still ran to the door a couple of times just because that is what your mind says to do before it sinks in that you are in Hell. So I stick it out until the lunch break and then head to the car to get food. I was soaked with blood, brine and sweat and it was about 16 degrees outside after about a hundred in the plant. I managed to get in the car and open the paper sack that my Grandmother had put the lunch she had lovingly made for me, in. I got it out, unwrapped it and it was a fucking ham sandwich. I pitched the thing into the parking lot and headed back in to find my Boss. I told him I was done and farewell. He just shrugged and said "some people can take it and some can't". I told him that I now know which type I was and left. It was about a 40 minute drive back to my Grandmother's house, during which I alternated between freezing and retching. You see I was soaking wet and it was way below freezing. I turned on the heater, but once warm air came out I could smell myself and started throwing up so I would have to roll down the window to puke and clear the smell out, but then I was shaking from the cold. I would do that for as long as I could stand it and then have to turn some heat on, but any warm air brought on another wave of nausea and heaving and the cycle would began again. I have no idea how many times I did that. When I got home I had to strip outside and run for the shower. As I settled into bed at about 3am, I knew for a fact that there were some jobs that I could not do and I knew for sure what one of them is. I didn't even go back for my $10.50 check(minus taxes of course). I figured they could have it. if I never had to see, or smell that place again, it would be too soon.

07-17-2009, 11:04 PM
I wouldn't say worst job but as a kid growing up I used to hate helping my parents and extended family butcher live animals.

Chicken: I had to hold both wings, and the legs while my mother would slit the chicken's throat. She would hold onto the head and let them bleed out.

Funniest memory of butchering chicken was a bunch of us were standing around killing and plucking the chickens when someone let go of the chicken that had it's neck slit and thought it was dead.

The chicken started running with it's head barely hanging on by a sliver of neck skin. It's starts to run in the direction of a little girl no older that 5 maybe.

I can still see the terror on her face when the dead chicken started running her direction and she turns and runs away in a straight line, and low and behold that dead chicken is also running in the same straight line.

It ran after her for about 10 to 15 feet before it fell and started flapping around but she never stopped. She could've won the men's 100 yard dash running from that dead chicken.

Oh and butchering cows/bulls, and pigs also sucked to. Nothing better that standing around smelling their intestine when someone accidently cuts the intestine.