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Homeslice 08-17-2009 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 255163)
Whaling is banned.

They harvest whales for "scientific" purposes, and then sell the meat.

I notice you put quotes around scientific --- If it's fake research, then it's just whaling, right?

azoomm 08-17-2009 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 255177)
Also forgot to mention that if anything is tangled in your prop, its a good idea to remove it ASAP.

Now, if some ropes with heavy weights got wrapped around it, the hull would take a beating and be potentially compromised.

They have thought of that - and even attempted it. The bummer for them, the Japanese crews thought of it too. And, the ship the Whale War idiots are on isn't rated for the cold temps. So, they are more at risk than the whalers themselves.


Dave 08-17-2009 05:30 PM

i dont support terrorism in my house.

Amber Lamps 08-17-2009 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 255173)
I mean, geeez - the ships all say RESEARCH on the side of them. What more proof do we need?? There is the right way to go about this, and there is the wrong way. Trying to take on a ship with a personal water craft while they are firing water cannons at you in freezing waters is the WRONG way.

Perhaps, but then I'm no expert :lol:

Exactly, if they aren't happy with the way international law is written, they should take it up with the U.N. All I know is that if a bunch of nut jobs attacked my ship I'd better not have so much as a rock on it! I think that a bunch of water balloons filled with whale blood/guts would do nicely!

Tmall 08-17-2009 05:33 PM

I could come up with ideas all day...

Ram the prop with some kind of extension.. That could knock the stern seals loose and flood em.

2 small craft with a chain between em. Weight in the middle of the chain. Come up behind and drag it until you catch the prop or a-frame and let it go...

Boats are so vulnerable, anybody with half a brain could sabotage one.

Tmall 08-17-2009 05:35 PM

I don't support a needless slaughter of animals.

If you do any research on whale meat, everything leads to most of it going to waste. And the hunt is essentially a traditional thing that keeps some fisherman employed. Somewhat like our Canadian seal hunt..

Dave 08-17-2009 05:44 PM

i hear zodiacs full of tnt work well too :rolleyes:

Amber Lamps 08-17-2009 05:46 PM

Hey I know, why don't we just kill all those people engaged in legal activities because we don't like it. This reminds me of the nut jobs that spiked a bunch of trees so loggers would get injured if they cut them down or the people who oil corners at the Gap because they don't like us speeding down 129.

The Japanese whalers have found a "loophole" in the law. Get together and change the law but to attack and potentially injure or even kill these sailors who are just trying to make a living... IDK maybe this is another case where I'm stupid/crazy/ an idiot/ etc but I don't get it. This would be like someone against deer hunting setting up booby traps on state land.

Homeslice 08-17-2009 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 255196)
The Japanese whalers have found a "loophole" in the law.

If they really aren't doing any scientific research, then it's not a loophole.......They're simply breaking the law :shrug:

Tmall 08-17-2009 06:01 PM

Werd, what slice said.

Besides, the greeners can play the same game.

They "lost" 6 or 7 chains with buoys attached at appropriate lengths..

I'm not advocating hurting anybody.

I'm saying make it so it costs them more money in repairs than they make from "research".

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