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Mr Lefty 03-12-2008 08:07 AM

What does it take to become an MSF Rider Coach?
not to jack the thread... but what's it take to become a coach? something I'd like to look into when I get to CO... and have a few more seasons under me :lol:

neebelung 03-12-2008 08:18 AM

(gave ya your own thread just so your question doesn't go unnoticed)...

I'll let one of the coaches answer that. :D

Mr Lefty 03-12-2008 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by neebelung (Post 14935)
(gave ya your own thread just so your question doesn't go unnoticed)...

I'll let one of the coaches answer that. :D

werd! thanks... hugs? ok :hug:

NeonspeedRT 03-12-2008 09:44 AM

It will actually vary state by state. So when you get to CO, things might be alittle different. I'll tell you what we had to do for FLA, just to give you a good idea.

Here in FL we have MSF, which is the Federal orginization. Then we have FRTP (Florida Ridercoach training program) that is under MSF. MSF has their own guidleines, and then the state orginizations, add in a few things and make some changes based on what they feel is needed.

To be a ridercoach in FL, you first off have to be sponsored by a MSF school. Most schools will want you to have been licensed for several years and lots of riding experience first off. Then you have to pass a background and drivers license check. There is only a certain # of points on your license you are allowed to have. They figure if you are a chronic speeder or can't obey traffic laws, then how can that make you a good ridercoach.

Once you pass those and a school sponsors you, they will more then likely want you to work as a range aid for a period of time. You will also have to have taken the MSF within the past year or two. So you may have to take it again. The school that sponsors you will usually put you through for free if it's needed.

I was a range aid for about 6 months before becoming certified by the state. Basically as a range aid, you will work for free or reduced pay. You basically watch and listen to what the ridercoaches say and do. You learn how to set up the range, you learn how to talk to the students, you learn the basic principals of teaching that the MSF uses, you get used to the bikes and watch and practice the demo's. The longer you are a range aid, the better prepared you will be for the RTP (Ridercoach training program). Before you go to the RTP, they send you a book and a study guide. We had to complete the study guide and send it into the state, before we were accepted into the program. The study guide is easily a weeks worth of work.

Once your sponsor thinks you are ready, then you go to what is called the RTP (Ridercoach training program). It was 8 days of training by the state on becoming a rider coach. Most of those days were 12 hour days. We practiced demo's, teaching the classroom, fundemintals of adult centered learning, and much, much more.

Basically you are with a group of other ridercoach candidates from around your area. The first 4 days, you are doing peer teaching. Then the last 4 days, you actually teach a class of students while being supervised and graded by the state trainers.

Once that is done, your school will probably have you work with the experienced ridercoaches for a few classes till you get your feet wet.

Basically to be a good ridercoach you have to have alot of patience and be a good listener. It is definatly a rewarding job. It's long hours in the hot, cold, and rain sometimes. But when we have a good class or students who are having fun, it's all worth it.

Nothing is more rewarding then being out to dinner or at a bike night and having former students come up to you and tell you how much fun they had and how they have been riding and it's all due to you.

azoomm 03-12-2008 10:19 AM

Chris, it's about the same here. Different schools seem to have their different requirements (some schools have a better reputation and more people want to work there).

PhiSig1071 03-12-2008 12:07 PM

+ 1 on what Chris said, and I want to re-iterate, the more time you spend as a Range Aide/Cone Kicker the better you will do during your RTP. I have quite a bit of adult learning and skills instruction experience from my scuba diving background (I am a divemaster) and it transferred over nicely to being a ridercoach. If I didn't have that I would have wanted a lot more time as a cone kicker. (I had about six weeks experience cone-kicking, but it was EVERY weekend) Your riding experience also helps, I had been riding for six years, and had been doing trackdays for a year, before I started cone-kicking.

One thing that Chris didn't really touch on, but I have no doubt he will agree with me on, is finding a good sponsor. You have got to find a school that you really feel comfortable with. You need to have good rapport with all the coaches and the owner/owners because you are all working as a team. If you're working for a school where you don't "Fit In" quite as well you wont learn as much. Ideally you should be able to consider everyone you work with a friend. I had a mentor/mother (I'm 25, she's actually a grandmother) at my school, she is one of the instructors and she really took me under her wing and taught me a LOT. If I didn't have that it would have been much more trying. She did such a good job that during my RTP the instructor thought I was already a coach and getting re-certified.

It is very fun and amazingly rewarding, Good Luck!

vabarber2 03-12-2008 06:27 PM

You need skill and many years of having a license! You have nether!!!! :lol:

Mr Lefty 03-12-2008 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by vabarber2 (Post 15298)
You need skill and many years of having a license! You have nether!!!! :lol:

skill comes with time... the same can not be said for intelligence...

so though I'll be ok in a few years... you'll still be retarded. :lol:

vabarber2 03-12-2008 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 15313)
skill comes with time... the same can not be said for intelligence...

so though I'll be ok in a few years... you'll still be retarded. :lol:

:lol: Good one! I'll give you that!

Cutty72 03-12-2008 07:56 PM

oh god... ebbs wants to teach...
help us all!!!! :willy:

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