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Old 03-05-2009, 07:19 PM   #2
Amber Lamps
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Originally Posted by Amorok View Post
You don't know where I've been, you don't know what I've seen, you don't know what I've been through, and you don't know me.Just because I live somewhere nice doesn't mean it's nice all the time. After all, Paris is a beautiful city until someone invades it. And I have reasons for carrying in even the nicest town. Well, I practice to try and avoid missing, but if I do I have 12 more to throw at him, plus the four reloads of 12 rnds each. So I'm not worried about the guy getting pissed off because I shot him. I may not be the best marksman, but I have a fuckload of chances to improve. Sounds like fun. I look forward to meeting you there, too, and if you clean it, you can shoot it.I don't know, you sound kind of scared to me. Like why do you have a problem with people carrying concealed? If you don't see it then why are you against it? And by the way, I don't need a gun to help me feel tough. I like a gun because I might be confronted by someone with their own gun, or someone much larger than me, or more than one someone. I've been in a lot of tight spots, and I've gotten out of most of them without needing my gun. But if I had needed it it was there.I'd like to live in a world where John from accounting gets to go home every night to his kids without any danger of anything ever happening to him. Sadly, that's not the world we live in, so I'll settle for a world where John from accounting can defend himself and make sure that when someone tries to stop him from going home to his kids, he can fight back. John from accounting might never need to change a flat in his life, but I still recommend he carry a jack, a tire iron and a spare.

EDIT to add:There's a thread on this forum right now about the court case resulting from a guy on a greyhound bus getting stabbed, beheaded and partially eaten by someone. I bet that guy would testify to the greatness of concealed carry. How can you even ask this question in a world like the one we live in?

Ummm....I'm not judging you,or where you've been and I know that we don't live in a paradise by any means. You can call me a coward or accuse me of being "scared" if you like,it doesn't really phase me. I am the keeper of my soul. I merely posed the question so to honestly get an idea of the various reasons people carry. Now I know.

1. to stop liquor store robberies
2. to keep "meth-heads" from picking on you
3. because you can/have a right to
4. because it is everyone's "duty" to be armed and protect their property/loved ones
5. because the cops are "slow"
6. to keep from being beheaded on a bus
7. to keep from being mugged in the subburbs
8. so you can go to the Y in the hood in the middle of the night
9. because the world is an awful,terrible place,full of danger and menace
10. so you can confront unarmed people bigger than you are on an "equal" footing

I'll make you all a deal,to keep from being called a coward and slandered,I am going to here to fore avoid the gun topics all together. You all talk about your rights and freedoms but apparently,I don't have the right or the freedom of speech to merely ask a question.
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