Originally Posted by The Chi
Ya'll seriously missed out on some fun!!
Got to meet many new faces, all of whom were beyond awesome!! Lil Taz and Was92 are super cool folks, and she really rails in on that 250!! Derf was way sweeter than he'll lead you to beleive, Tommy and Rice were super cool, Phenix is a cutie, Tig is well, Tig!! Rogue, Amorok, Sixxxer are exactly as advertised, Hokie and her man are super nice and incredible riders, I cant wait till she gets to the track!! Ericr is one helluva cruiser guy, as for not keeping up with the ss's, pfffft!!!
'Least I got an honorable mention
Originally Posted by ericr
That was definitely a great 5 days of riding! Rae and Hugh, thanks for the props...I try to ride that beast! I SO want my FZ1 one thousandyhundred times more than ever after riding with all of y'all !!! Hugh, they still have a pic of you on the board at DGMR
For everyone that didn't make it, you missed out, sucks to be you!!
Heh- you're faster than me, and I never expected anybody could move that fast two up with a hurting back.
All this hype about the Gap, and it's the same as the other roads we rode. Way to psyche people out.
Good to finally meet everyone after what? three years? Yeesh. Rae, of course was even nicer than I thought. Trip, you're the man! Lucky bastard to have roads like that. NtS- WTF over? You have any fun at the rally? Hokie was the life of the party, and I'm glad to see Kerry posting already. Tigger is something else. Derf....derf...don't know about you man, but you ride at my speed. Tommy and Sixxer- you are some crazy mofos to ride that far and hop in with a group right away. Rogue made HUGE improvements in her riding- and now it's time for PANTS and HANGING OFF! Ebbs, amazing photos.
Definitely looking forward to Indy and next year's rally.