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Old 10-06-2009, 09:04 PM   #7
Amber Lamps
Moto GP Star
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Originally Posted by HurricaneHeather View Post
I am honestly not trying to be a jerk about this. But on our CL it says in ginormous bold font right on top: OFFERS TO SHIP CARS ARE 100% FRAUDULENT

Is that not on all Sale sections?
I'm not trying to be a bitch about this but she bought it off "EBay Motors" using the "buy it now" option or so she thought. It was pretty slick, he had listed on Craig's List but once she inquired, he sent her a message with the Photo Bucket link. She inquired again and he sent her the "EBay Motors" link. I wish I had it, it was perfect, complete with his 100%/75 Ebay rating with actual customer ratings you could click on. It totally navigated just like EBay. He also has a Twitter Page, a phone number (voice mail answers), AOL address, you do a reverse look up on the number and an address comes up with his name. I'm telling you, I think that she was stupid and naive (she did just turn 21 a couple months ago) but I have to admit that it was a very good scam! To be honest, if these crooks upped the price by a $1,000 they'd probably get more hits. I was honestly put off by the price and the fact that it was a Craig's List ad but once she texted me that it was on EBay I felt 100% better in all honesty. Of course, she didn't mention the wire transfer payment to me at that time. Hey, as I said, at that point, I text her to do what she wants. I figure that Pay Pal/EBay would have her back. Oh well, live and learn I guess...
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