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Old 01-11-2010, 09:17 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Curb View Post
Also, like I've said for years. You can use steroids all you want, but it wont help you hit the ball any better. It takes amazing hand eye coordination to be able to hit something that is traveling 95mph in which you have less than half a second to make up your mind if you will or wont swing.

It was like that snow border kid in the winter olympics a few years back that got his gold medal taken away for testing positive for weed...WEED, I mean come on, dude scores a gold medal while toking a doob, I'd give that mother fucker 10 gold medals for that.
While the weed didn't give any advantage to the boarder, the roids did give an advantage to McGwire (or he wouldn't have taken it).

Yeah, some nobody taking roids isn't going to help him become a hitter if he wasn't already one before, but McGwire already knew how to hit, and already had the hand-eye coordination, all he wanted was more power.
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