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Old 01-12-2010, 10:34 AM   #20
Canyon Carver
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Originally Posted by TYEster View Post

I know the first few weeks of the year are always the biggest traffic time, and lots of commitments are made, goals set, yadda yadda yadda...

But please for the love of god spend the $5 for a lock if you have lock-able lockers. Nothing makes me want to rob you and set your shit on fire more than having to go through about 4 or 5 receptacles to find an empty, crap free place to store my shit while I hit the weights. I don't care if you want to stare at me for actually working out, or for the sweat I am generating... Just please lock your shit up so I don't waste my time in the stinky changing room trying to get my lift on.

Thank you!
LOL I was just thinking about this yesterday as I looked through 6 different lockers till I finally came to an empty one. Wtf.

This year is particularly bad. The jeaners (ppl working out in jeans) are all over the place.

I don't mind the fatties (or skinny fatties) coming in, since kudos to you for getting off the couch, but please please get some instructions on how to lift before you kill yourself or throw something out of joint.

All the kids in their wifebeaters (usually skinny ass kids) don't bother me too much, since they just hang out at the flat bench for 30 minutes (and do 2 sets maybe each) and we have several others at this gym.

Go ahead and stare wondering wtf I'm doing as I superset with heavy weights. Go ahead and stare as I'm doing a 4-6-10 dropset. You might learn something.. I hope.

1 more month.. Then everything will get back to normal. I'm tired of going to the gym at 2:30 in the afternoon to avoid the rush of retards.

/rant off

Last edited by Method; 01-12-2010 at 10:46 AM..
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