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Old 03-01-2010, 11:39 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Kaneman View Post
Therefore it must have been the marijuana that led to their mental instability, and not the rotting stench of their buddy's body that they've been trapped in a foxhole next to for three days. Right?

Hell, it had to have at least contributed right, I mean it is a narcotic after all...

I understand you say you have nothing against it, but then only one sentence later you attempt to associate its use with mental instability in Vietnam I'm confused.
Where do you think they got their pot from? SE Asia maybe? Do you think they could have put something in the pot to dumb the soldiers up? I think it's possible, of course there are other possibilities like agent orange and like you mentioned, just the sight of death everyday could have fucked them up as well. We''ll never really know the cause of their mental illness, but I think smoking dirt weed could have had just a little bit to do with it.
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