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Old 06-16-2010, 11:44 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Kaneman View Post
Its probably something they considered when they decided to leave behind everything they've ever known and risk life, limb and freedom to make it to a country that, even with menial work, they have a much higher chance to have a decent quality of life in. I mean, Detroit is a shithole but I'd rather live there than Juarez.

I understand where you guys are coming from, but I can't be angry or wish ill against people who are simply trying to make it. I'm not anointing them as saints or even excuse any of the bad behavior that may be displayed when they come here (Hey Spic, our sewers here actually work in all 50 states. Flush your fucking toilet paper before I make you eat it.) But, I can see it from their point of view.

If you want to be America the great and free and all the other bullshit every politician from here to NYC spouts on a daily basis then you have to fight against discriminatory immigration policies. And if you don't want to do that you can still rally against American government policies that put other countries in dire situations, such as the war on drugs which is currently decimating northern Mexico.
I can see it from their point of view as well, but that doesn't mean they should get a free pass either. They get caught breaking our immigration laws they should be sent home. If any of their kids are legal they can either stay and be wards of the state, like any child with American citizenship without family available to take care of them, or they can go with their parents and be welcome back anytime they decide.

Our federal immigration policies aren't really designed to intentionally discriminate against brown or black. They are primarily designed to discriminate against a lack of green. With no money and little chance of significantly contributing to the taxpayer base it is going to be pretty damn difficult to enter the country legally no matter what a person's skin color is.

Mexico had plenty to do with putting themselves in their dire situation. The war on drugs may not be helping but the Mexican government has a lot more to do with their current situation.
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