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Old 07-27-2010, 09:15 AM   #4
Join Date: Nov 2008
Moto: 06 ZX6R
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Originally Posted by Captain Morgan View Post
She's questioning my reasoning for looking behind me and waving people by on my trackday this weekend. Here's the full story, if you haven't seen it in the other thread.

I was on the V-strom on the track. It was sportbiketracktime. If any of you have ever ridden any of their events, you know they have classroom instruction for beginners and then they take the beginners out in groups of 4 or 5 riders with an instructor. I didn't want to ride in a group of people like that and wanted to ride my own pace. The only way to do that was in intermediate. I was the slowest person in the group, by far, simply because of the bike I was on. I scraped peg numerous times and the back end got loose a few times. I was also running the stock "Death Wings" on the bike. I simply couldn't go much faster without losing it.

I am fully aware that it's the passing rider's responsibility to pass safely and I maintained a consistent line on the track to allow them to do so. However, out of courtesy for the other riders on the track, I would look behind me in certain stretches where it was safe to do so, and I would move off the line so they could pass.

Is there really something wrong with being courteous to other riders that have paid good money for a track day and want to push it to the limit and not be held up by a guy riding a much slower bike?

ETA: I did consider dropping down to the beginner group after the first session in intermediate, but was told I was doing fine and it was ok to stay where I was.

I wasn't ripping on you. I was just curious as to your reasoning and that got me thinking that maybe different things are allowed with different organizations. It was nothing more than curiosity.

But like others have said, it's not the safest practice.

It does concern me that you think their money is somehow worth more than yours. Everyone paid to be out there. If the organizers thought you grossly unsafe they would move you to a more appropriate group.

I pay my money the same as the fast guys. I hold my line and am very predictable on the track. It is their responsibility to get around me safely; not my responsibility to let them get their money's worth.

Oh and as a complete aside, I saw a v strom at my last track day and that guy was booking it. Looks like a super fun ride!
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