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Old 07-30-2010, 09:39 AM   #3
Trailer Queen
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 21

To build upon the post above (without quoting the whole thing)...

I don't know about other trackdays, but for us the no-passing on the inside rule starts at the tip in point.

Passing under braking is allowed and encouraged and I believe is one of the safer places to pass...especially when done early in the braking zone.

For the most part though, we simply tell people that if the passer can get fully in front of the passee before tip in point... then it's a legal pass.

We have even gone further and say now that the no passing area is from tip in point to the apex (or the point where both bikes begin standing up their bikes). So setting up an early exit pass can happen too.

In most places, the tip in to apex section is over in a second or two, so making the pass in that area is silly and needlessly dangerous, in my opinion.

As for riders going down and the following rider hitting them, that's an unfortunate case of track riding regardless of the rules.

I know at our days we stress to either make the pass, or hang back... and for gods sake do NOT watch the other bike's tail section... look past them.

We stress "Do NOT go nose to tail" because of the exact situation Chris describes above.

In fact, being on someone's ass is the WORST way to set up a pass, so there is really no reason to do it.

Bottom line is that passing at a trackday is an artform (other than motoring by someone on the straight). It takes a while to learn how to do it safely and minimize the overall risk.
Trackdays in NY, NJ, and NH

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