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Old 09-11-2010, 01:50 PM   #10
Semi-reformed Squid
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 531

That was the aftermath of my garage fire which happened in Nov '06 out in NC. Had a fantastic ride up to Shady Vally with Kathy 2-up & some other VFR guys, than around midnight woke to my neighbor banging on my door. I ran outside and saw smoke billowing out the cracks around the doors, and heard fire engines headed my way. Luckily, my house was directly across from a fire hydrant & 2 miles from a big new firehouse. VERY luckily, since there were LOTS of flammables which didn't go up (5/gal can of lacquer thinner, paint reducers, torpedo heater full of kerosene, buddy's truck w/ 30gal of diesel, etc!). Much gratitude to those guys - they hooked up fast & had it out very quickly, and before it turned into a MAJOR weenie-roast which would have rendered most of my stuff unidentifiable, all of it unsalvageable, and destroyed the structure. Still an incredible mess, and a life-changing event which kept me from moving back to Nashville much sooner.

As for the VFR, the plastics were roasted pretty good but it wasn't hurt too much other than cosmetic damage. What really sucked was that the prior spring I had rebuilt it from a crash a couple of years prior, and it was a fantastic 2-up bike which we spent many hours & miles on sharing some incredible rides.

Now it was a melted mess, I no longer had a 2-up bike, and I spent the next year consumed with rebuilding the garage damage while the bike just sat forlornly.

But, eventually the garage was wrapped-up nicely with the help of some outstanding treasured friends...

...and I got around to doing what I should have done much sooner - moving back to Nashville, and repairing the VFR!

Fortunately, I had pulled the Ohlins forks from my RC51 just a couple of weeks before the fire, and they were 'destroyed', but salvageable with plenty of elbow-grease.

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