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Old 12-21-2010, 12:09 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Tmall View Post
I don't know why I haven't told you guys this..

I passed out in the livingroom shitfaced wearing nothing but boxers on halloween night. At 3am I wake up to a loud crash and some pretty serious barking.

Some guy had just came crashing through my front door and in a flash the dogs were awake, off the couch and on him like nothing I've ever seen. They chased him out the door, off the porch and I just called them off as he trips over the curb and face plants into the street.

At this time he's yelling out, "It's me TONY!! Call them off Trav!!" I called the dogs in and threw some clothes on to go sort this guy out. I was pretty pissed until he explained himself.

His wife threw him out (he was beyond drunk) and he stumbled over here to ask if he could crash on my couch. He saw me through the window and tried knocking but I didn't budge, so he tried the door knob and fell into the house.

The dogs never bit him.. But, he cut up his face, wrist and broke his leg tripping over the curb.

I've always had my doubts about how aggressive they would be with an intruder. Now I have every confidence in their abilities to protect my gf while I'm away.
Wow. Good dogs.

My lab is extremely protective of my wife.

Grandma said she doesn't want you here when she gets back because you've been ruining everybody's lives and eating all our steak.
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