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Old 04-17-2013, 01:13 PM   #7
WERA Yellow Plate
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VG juice - thicker, less throat hit, less flavor, more vapor
PG juice - thinner, more throat hit, more flavor, less vapor

My juice is 100% PG based. I have many reasons for carrying PG juice, but better flavor and the fact that they don't clog up cartomizers as quickly as the thicker VG juice does would be among the biggest reasons.

Along the lines of the more/less throat hit - the amount of nicotine plays a huge part in that. The higher the concentration of nicotine, the harsher it is. 0 and 6 mg are completely smooth. 11 mg has a slight increase. 16 mg is right about where a cigarette would feel. 24 mg is pretty harsh.

Different types of starter kits . . . I wouldn't recommend anything less than an Ego size battery as it is the minimum size required in my opinion to mimic smoking. The little pen/cigarette size batteries just don't cut it.

After that, you just have to decide on a delivery method. They'll pretty much all fit on an Ego battery.

DCT - Dual Coil Tank - uses a cartomizer inside a tank. This is by far my favorite. You can vape it right side up, upside down, sideways, and anywhere in between. The fluid in the tank keeps the cartomizer wet with fluid so you aren't re-filling constantly. It's what I use and what we sell the most of in the store.

Mega cartomizers - just like the name implies. They are just a huge cartomizer. Dead simple to use. Get the packing material inside the cartomizer wet with e-juice (it holds almost a half a bottle), and go. No leaking, no dripping, no flooding. We sell a lot of these to older folks who do not want to mess with carto/tanks (DCT).

Clearomizers - (redux on my website) A coil/wick system. It uses a wick to pull the e-juice up into a heating coil. They are re-buildable. You have to spin and twist them to keep the wick wet, and they like to leak/flood if you turn them upside down. If you vape heavily, they dry out quickly and you'll get dry hits often. Used gently, they work fine, however.

Vivi Nova - works the same way as a Clearomizer with the same upside/downside to them.

As far as knowing when to replace a cartomizer, it will either start to taste funny, or start to get really hard to draw through as the packing material will slowly clog up over time. They'll typically last a couple weeks, but I've seen them go bad anywhere from a week to 4 weeks depending on how much they are used.

Unfortunately, we do not do sampler packs. We have samples in the store, but that doesn't help you if you're ordering online.

The most popular:

tobacco - Red USA
Menthol - Portal Blend
Havana - tastes like swisher sweets if that's what you're looking for.

- cheesecake
- blueberry
- blackberry
- pomegranate
- watermelon
- peach
- coffee
- black tea

We sell a lot of all of them, but those are probably the ones we sell the most of.

Discount - type "adv" in the coupon code area for a 10% discount on everything.
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