Thread: Cane Corso
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Old 06-20-2013, 08:18 AM   #3
Gas Man
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Unhappy Devestation... had to put my boy Brinks down...

It is with the saddest of hearts I talk to you all today... I just uploaded the last pictures of my boy Brinks.

Tuesday about 7pm, I had to put the best dog I've ever met, to rest. My boy Brinks, my son. The dog I held in my arms at two weeks and he wouldn't even go from wrist to elbow and barely had his eyes open.

He was the hardest dog Teen and I ever had to raise in our lives, but with that he gave us the greatest reward. I have never met a dog with such character and love for his family & friends. If you knew Brinks you were in his pack and he greeted you "nub & ass" wagging with such excitement just to be knocked over when he leaned into you was his greatest form of acceptance.

He was amazing and I'm a better dog person because of him. Everybody always wanted to know Brinks even through his mighty bark he loved to shout with. Hanging out in the garage wrenching on bikes, sitting on "Lookout Post 7", barking at people in "his world" while wagging his nub.

They say all the greats die young and pack a big life punch... never more true than with my boy Brinks. There is a huge part of my heart that was tore out today. He was only 5 years old and that was way too soon!!

Back story... so I don't have to explain it a zillion times...

For the last couple of weeks he's had a weird cough, we were treating it as such with our vet. It got worse so back into the vet. The second the doc heard his changed cough, I could see it in her face and straight to the xray machine they went. Brinks had enlarged heart with thin heart walls, congestive heart failure, and dilated cardiomyopathy. His lungs filled with fluid giving him his cough, his heart couldn't keep up because it was enlarged and weak. We ran more tests while we weight the options and prognosis... an EKG, and full blood work. He also had arrhythmia, which is a bad heart beat. He wasn't eating much, was going to need about 45 pills a day (which he doesn't like) and could drop from a heart attack any moment. It was no longer an IF but a when and a bad battle with his condition. He didn't deserve any of this and he was so tired from almost two weeks of this and not getting much sleep (him or us). He also didn't deserve to live like this and be in such pain and discomfort.

It took everything out of me, but Teen and I had to let him go.

It will bring tears to our eyes but please, next time we see you, share that great memory of Brinks with us, for we will miss him so very much.

A small piece of the pictures I have of Brinks is linked below.

Here's a link to my Brinks album

Here's a slide show of my Brinks album

RIP Brinks Guardian Clark. 6/1/2008 - 6/18/2013

Momma and daddy love you and we'll bring a treat for next time we see you.

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