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Old 04-08-2014, 06:36 PM   #4
Amber Lamps
Moto GP Star
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 14,556

I happen to still enjoy the show but it did really slow for awhile... What I'm REALLY tired of is all this talk of food, or the lack of... That is a ridiculous premise! Considering all the food that is produced in this country and stored in warehouses, huge supermarkets, houses, gas stations, etc. Hell, there's enough food on the freeway inside semi-trucks at any given time to feed the entire country. I did some work at an ethanol plant recently that had 4 million plus bushel silos full of corn!

Then you take into account the serious lessening of consumers of edibles. Oh and since when did plants stop growing? Even without man's help farms would still yield some crops. Orchards would bear fruit. Livestock would still live and reproduce. I don't know about Georgia but if thousands of deer suddenly stopped being killed on the highways and roads of Michigan, there would be a population explosion! You can't seriously try to tell me that walkers are killing the deer. They are way too loud and slow to catch any wild animal, much less a deer.

Now they're gonna drop a bunch of obvious cannibals into the mix? It's been just a few years people...really? I mean you're living in a train station. Are you seriously telling me that there was no food to be found? Or farmed? Or raised? Or hunted? Yeesh...
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