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  1. gov't to help shape future media orgs (2 replies)
  2. "As an educational institution we do not support the search for E.T." (7 replies)
  3. remember the IRAQ who threw a shoe at bush (9 replies)
  4. inmate escapes, been on the loose for 3 days now (0 replies)
  5. IAVA - The Forgotten Cost of War: Caring for Veterans | Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans (2 replies)
  6. Stuff that doesn't make the papers (23 replies)
  7. In Job Hunt, College Degree Can’t Close Racial Gap (53 replies)
  8. Humans are born helpful. (0 replies)
  9. H/D loan bailout (8 replies)
  10. Four Police Officers Dead - and Huckabee's career? (74 replies)
  11. OMGZ Think of the Children!!! (16 replies)
  12. 1/2 the kids in the US will be on food stamps (12 replies)
  13. HUMANE Treatment? (13 replies)
  14. Treating CP with Dance. (1 replies)
  15. Judge Blasts Bank's Foreclosure Conduct and Cancels Mortgage (35 replies)
  16. Obama Quietly Backs Patriot Act Provisions (1 replies)
  17. followup: California outlaws large, power-hungry TVs (17 replies)
  18. You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man. (14 replies)
  19. too fat.......no degree (56 replies)
  20. ins. dropped, facebook pics, Canada (50 replies)
  21. Wait... (0 replies)
  22. Used Lazy-Boy for Sale (make offer) (24 replies)
  23. WTF? 'Barbaric' eyeball gouger jailed (8 replies)
  24. 'Fat for cosmetics' murder suspects arrested in Peru (10 replies)
  25. Oprah interview Palin, gives up hope for humanity. (4 replies)
  26. "He got on his knees and begged, ‘No, Daddy, no,’ and he pulled the trigger," (55 replies)
  27. some people need their asses kicked, flight delayed over cel call (45 replies)
  28. Avatard, pack your bags! (2 replies)
  29. Poof went the black folk (4 replies)
  30. stimulus created jobs, or not? (3 replies)
  31. U.S. offshore tax amnesty yields big response: IRS (17 replies)
  32. Soldier mom refuses deployment to care for baby (79 replies)
  33. Teacher fired for drinking on FB (56 replies)
  34. Big O's admin. on illegals......... (7 replies)
  35. what the US can learn from China (5 replies)
  36. Union vs the Boy Scouts and good deeds (9 replies)
  37. Do not eat! (7 replies)
  38. Another day, and more of the same... (4 replies)
  39. Obama eyes domestic spending freeze (30 replies)
  40. RIP Oreo (25 replies)
  41. karma is gonna bite her so bad (5 replies)
  42. Killeen shooting conspiracy stuff (1 replies)
  43. The MPAA runs amok (7 replies)
  44. Old guy ass whoopin' (3 replies)
  45. Florida. Must be something in the water. (9 replies)
  46. Mom ran pet ‘concentration camp,’ son says (11 replies)
  47. Newsweek: How the Internet ruined everything (0 replies)
  48. school:if you can't make the grade, buy it! (27 replies)
  49. Fat chick will set you free (7 replies)
  50. 10 other states besides CA face fin. peril (12 replies)
  51. Is China headed toward collapse? (12 replies)
  52. This sor tof shit worries me (24 replies)
  53. The Decade in Seven Minutes (1 replies)
  54. "At the very last second I said 'elephant!'" (6 replies)
  55. Woman passes driver's test on 950th try (8 replies)
  56. Obama Day (14 replies)
  57. I think she has already been driving in my city (1 replies)
  58. Woman calls 911 to report herself as drunk driver (7 replies)
  59. 7 dead, 12 injured in Fort Hood shooting (35 replies)
  60. U2 Berlin Wall Fail (12 replies)
  61. ‘They make too much money for cities to just stop using them’ (12 replies)
  62. 60 Minutes is crap (0 replies)
  63. Lutefisk and loot (3 replies)
  64. tazering, deserved or not? (78 replies)
  65. clunker truck for hybrid, NOT! (7 replies)
  66. racist? (18 replies)
  67. Republican adviser faces health care's costly bite (0 replies)
  68. California to withhold a bigger chunk of paychecks (3 replies)
  69. No wonder Saddam was able to control these people. Because they're a bunch of morons. (6 replies)
  70. Buchanan vs Obama, about race. (10 replies)
  71. You never know when Soviet Russia will strike (5 replies)
  72. School Sued for Punishing Teens Over MySpace Pix (17 replies)
  73. Agassi: It Was a Wig (1 replies)
  74. Jury Awards $850,000 In Louisville Slugger Case (39 replies)
  75. this one's gonna hurt, 188mph in Omaha (14 replies)
  76. More awesome still (3 replies)
  77. Tits! (12 replies)
  78. Today's awesome (12 replies)
  79. up close and personnal like. (9 replies)
  80. Gardasil Researcher Drops A Bombshell (0 replies)
  81. 4 Teens Ticketed After Rapping Order at McDonalds (22 replies)
  82. Guess who is getting fired in this story (18 replies)
  83. canada: bike owner charged after loaning out bike (25 replies)
  84. Scientists make cells that form eggs, sperm (5 replies)
  85. A Pretty Face or a Hot Body? (24 replies)
  86. Like Curry? (17 replies)
  87. Awesome: Schwarzenegger Flips Off Lawmakers in Hidden Message (10 replies)
  88. prisoners before people............swine flu (29 replies)
  89. Unreal. High School gang rape. (97 replies)
  90. free cell service for everyone, thanks big O (30 replies)
  91. Younger, smarter wife equals happier marriage. (24 replies)
  92. like to wander around your house nekkid? think again (35 replies)
  93. Panties in a Bunch: Complaints over Obama's all male basketball game. (5 replies)
  94. The Racer X Beacon (10 replies)
  95. Scenes from Afganistan (9 replies)
  96. Hey Trip!!! (2 replies)
  97. If I understand the science correctly... (9 replies)
  98. Call a flatbed next time...fattie (40 replies)
  99. Pay Czar cuts pays of CEO's.........whack! (12 replies)
  100. Really good series of articles - Held by the Taliban (2 replies)
  101. The point (Book released under GNU Free Documentation License) (0 replies)
  102. Steven Rattner: Why we had to get rid of GM's CEO (9 replies)
  103. Carnegie Hall Stagehand Moving Props Makes $530,044 (29 replies)
  104. The Woman of Tomorrow: Shorter, Plumper, & More Fertile (23 replies)
  105. Man Joins Army to Help Cancer filled Wife (5 replies)
  106. why was john stossel fired? (18 replies)
  107. deportation a prob, get a cat......at least in the UK (3 replies)
  108. Former nurse's aide in US becomes Ugandan king (2 replies)
  109. Man shoots 18-yr old having sex with 16-yr old stepdaughter. (91 replies)
  110. Study: States can't afford death penalty (18 replies)
  111. MASSIVE ownage... (7 replies)
  112. big screen TVs are bad, mkay........ (20 replies)
  113. "look what i found" (3 replies)
  114. Happening Now: Boy Flying Away in Experimental Balloon (46 replies)
  115. Potential Evil Genious (5 replies)
  116. Finland Makes Broadband a Legal Right (52 replies)
  117. scan ID for beer and cigs/dip (23 replies)
  118. tazed grany.............results (6 replies)
  119. no more biking to school.......... (16 replies)
  120. wash out your mouth w/ soap......get arrested (0 replies)
  121. van halen: hot for teacher (17 replies)
  122. Zero Toerance For The Lose (32 replies)
  123. One gay man, two lesbians, a three-legged cat and a poisoned curry plot (9 replies)
  124. Alligators dont like golf (5 replies)
  125. Stupid socialized medicine! (19 replies)
  126. NYT: How Nonsense Sharpens the Intellect (3 replies)
  127. Gun-toting soccer mom found shot dead (91 replies)
  128. Protesting fur the milk (2 replies)
  129. Will California become America's first failed state? (21 replies)
  130. Couple loses land to squatter's rights law (27 replies)
  131. NASA: we are going to bomb the moon now. (6 replies)
  132. Hollywood Backing Roman Polanski... (50 replies)
  133. Brewery's Nanny State beer swipe (1 replies)
  134. Next time think twice about adopting animals beyond your skill zone (9 replies)
  135. Countrywide & other shitty mortgage firms receiving federal funding (17 replies)
  136. As TV Drug Ads Increase, So Do Concerns (10 replies)
  137. If your fiance died, would you write about it in ebonics? (22 replies)
  138. Newsweek: Why Dumb Toys Make Kids Smarter (4 replies)
  139. Cops Shoot Homeowner in Back, Drag Body to Cover it Up...Caught with 911 Call.. (13 replies)
  140. Mexican immigration slowing (5 replies)
  141. "Perhaps it would be, [embarrassing] especially for the women." (11 replies)
  142. serves the punk right! (18 replies)
  143. This throws a monkey wrench into it. (8 replies)
  144. Why cant they just feed them to hungy bears? (9 replies)
  145. Saturn dead (34 replies)
  146. all time low for mayorship (3 replies)
  147. and then the cows ran away scared (14 replies)
  148. not enough BLING, i'm gonna fry your fish! (9 replies)
  149. reads like a soap opera...... (1 replies)
  150. "Think of the children" FAIL (11 replies)
  151. Start up the Banjos people (3 replies)
  152. No more rescue at the gap? (29 replies)
  153. 237 reasons women get laid (3 replies)
  154. american jailed in japan for kidnapping his kids, w/ a twist (12 replies)
  155. But, But, I have an Oscar!!! (14 replies)
  156. Palin's book called "Going Rogue" (13 replies)
  157. Das a HUGE bish! (5 replies)
  158. FINALLY a news story with a happy ending (3 replies)
  159. Rescue Team Uses Saw to Free Trapped Penis (10 replies)
  160. Unlimited oil? (21 replies)
  161. wut r da kids sayin (2 replies)
  162. Slain census worker was warned about area (33 replies)
  163. Ew. (22 replies)
  164. With a name like Looney... (4 replies)
  165. Nice pair of perks (16 replies)
  166. Iran loses its only AWACS as Ahmadinejad threatens the world (20 replies)
  167. UK - Minority Report (2 replies)
  168. Protect insurance companies!! (8 replies)
  169. Cops Caught on Tape 'Bowling' During Drug Raid (3 replies)
  170. white cop + cornrows = fail (37 replies)
  171. Should've packed tha plastic (7 replies)
  172. Insane killer escapes while on field trip to county fair (2 replies)
  173. Deadly floor mats?! (37 replies)
  174. Eye teeth...for realz. (4 replies)
  175. Steal and you loose a hand..... (6 replies)
  176. Dirty Harry reincarnated in Miami Beach (4 replies)
  177. The $150 Space Camera. (3 replies)
  178. Early Spankings Make for Aggressive Toddlers, Study Shows (19 replies)
  179. SHOCKING News - Just posted on CNN!! (27 replies)
  180. who needs guns! (20 replies)
  181. Law and Order SVU: Yale Edition (2 replies)
  182. Holding guns like a GANGSTA (25 replies)
  183. $30 solar panel made of hair (17 replies)
  184. Austin: traffic stop, CHL holders, stupidity ensues (10 replies)
  185. man jailed, charged w/ contempt of court, in mens bathroom (10 replies)
  186. Report says return to moon isn’t ‘viable’ (45 replies)
  187. "...not the first time an entire family has been killed in Tabasco" (12 replies)
  188. Mexico decriminalizes small-scale drug possession (6 replies)
  189. almost got'em all (14 replies)
  190. Grow your own weed. (5 replies)
  191. thats was 1 hella assplosion (NWS-GORE) (2 replies)
  192. No arms, No Thumbprint, No $ (14 replies)
  193. You might find this interesting, even though it's Canadian (23 replies)
  194. Slappin yo problems away... (36 replies)
  195. Small town removed from woman's vagina (15 replies)
  196. Study: Houston leads in births under age 15 (59 replies)
  197. insult to injury or justified (3 replies)
  198. Report: US makes $4 billion from bailout banks (4 replies)
  199. Kidnapped at 11, Woman Emerges After 18 Years (24 replies)
  200. Placebos Are Getting More Effective. Drugmakers Are Desperate to Know Why. (long) (14 replies)
  201. let the gov't help pay for your pets (11 replies)
  202. NC Senator shoots intruder (10 replies)
  203. man chases down home invader in car, shoots kills (62 replies)
  204. UK cops eye shotgun cartridge Taser (24 replies)
  205. next: cash for ???? (14 replies)
  206. Cop fired for letting waitress pose w/ rifle (43 replies)
  207. DIY cigarettes? Some smokers start growing tobacco (5 replies)
  208. Police: Store clerk killed beer thief (190 replies)
  209. Lockerbie bomber's release agreed (14 replies)
  210. thats a MAN, baby! (11 replies)
  211. Hot dogs anyone? (6 replies)
  212. Mick Doohan ownes a titty bar, accused of fraud (5 replies)
  213. Billy Lane, 6 yrs lockup (25 replies)
  214. 8 ain't nuthin! (10 replies)
  215. Les Paul dies at 94 (5 replies)
  216. Finally good Florida news... (24 replies)
  217. Hillary then got up and ate the students liver (22 replies)
  218. More Florbida weirdness.... (10 replies)
  219. Inmate Hides Gun In Fat Layers (15 replies)
  220. Blame pussy (3 replies)
  221. We only lost a few hundred mil, its good news! (4 replies)
  222. Do as i say, not as i DO, the govment (7 replies)
  223. Stupid MBA...maybe or stupide business schools..maybe (7 replies)
  224. Good luck with that (12 replies)
  225. Stop horsing around (2 replies)
  226. Bill Clinton goes to Korea to pick up Chicks (16 replies)
  227. Damn.....Marines ban Facebook (12 replies)
  228. NOS Gixxer guy was just ahead of his time (4 replies)
  229. D'oh another one caught (19 replies)
  230. crazy kid (14 replies)
  231. College Grad Can't Find Job, Wants $$$ Back (22 replies)
  232. Unexpected. (6 replies)
  233. Remains of first U.S. Gulf War casualty found (2 replies)
  234. Wimpy Gingers (1 replies)
  235. Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days (3 replies)
  236. Clunkers out of cash. (63 replies)
  237. But we are in Love!! (26 replies)
  238. case dismissed: black panther guys in philly (10 replies)
  239. Homeless Man Leaves Behind Surprise: $4 Million (6 replies)
  240. Army arrests Seattle civilian in paperwork mix-up (10 replies)
  241. Where would she hide the gun? (6 replies)
  242. Woman accused of killing newborn ate brain (7 replies)
  243. What the hell? (7 replies)
  244. The safest way to eat soup is with (2 replies)
  245. News Alert: Gingervitus out break (8 replies)
  246. Most lucrative college degrees (40 replies)
  247. Calif. man pulls girl from burning SUV on freeway (10 replies)
  248. HA-HA and F%$@ you! (14 replies)
  249. MCA has throat cancer... (13 replies)
  250. Obama: Health care reform means changes in treatment for the better Story Highlights (10 replies)